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Spirulina: properties, benefits and how to take it

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Spirulina: properties, benefits and how to take it

The benefits of algae have been known for some time now, used both in the nutritional and beauty fields, but among all the spirulina it is a real panacea, both in terms of health but also in terms of energy. It is a blue-green algae, due to the high presence of chlorophyll, which has been harvested for centuries in Asia, Africa and Central and South America. Only in the last thirty years, given its multiple properties, is it also used in the West especially in the form of supplements.

Spirulina, all the benefits

There are many benefits for which it is used, starting from the neuroprotective and anti-aging ones, as it contains many antioxidants. Its large amount of beta-carotene is an essential component for skin and hair healthin addition to protecting the central nervous system. Even at the level of diet it is an excellent ally, helping to reach the ideal weight. Taken an hour before meals it reduces the sense of hunger, and taken regularly, it lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol thanks to the omega-6s, increasing the good one given the vitamin PP content. It has ten times more beta-carotenoids than any vegetable, making it an excellent super food for cancer prevention. It is a great source of energy, contains iron, vitamin b12 beta-carotene, useful in periods of greater stress or for those who practice sports, providing a supplement of concentrated nutrients. It has the ability to effectively stimulate the immune system thanks to the richness of antioxidants (beta-carotene and vitamin E) and carbohydrates. Has a very good effect on the liver especially in the case of cirrhosis of the liver or fatty liver. It also contains proteins, vitamins, essential amino acids, minerals such as zinc, selenium, magnesium, essential fatty acids, lorophyll and phytosterols. It is no coincidence that it is an algae that even NASA he chose to cultivate during space missions, to provide astronauts with super nourishment.

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The daily dosage

Remembering that the assumption must absolutely be suggested by your own doctor, is usually sold in the form of tablets or powder to be diluted in water or other beverage. The dosage must not be less than one gram per day, because it is ineffective below; the recommended dose is 5 grams per day. You start with the intake of 2 grams, gradually increasing up to 5. You must never exceed the maximum permitted doses.

The recommended products

Below is a list of the best products selected for you.

Organic spirulina, rich in phycocyanin and proteins – True Nature

Supplement in organic tablets, suitable for vegans in high dosage, rich in phycocyanin and proteins and offered in the purest form. Produced from organic cultivation in aquaculture in Inner Mongolia, the processing follows high quality standards. Source of iron and vitamin B12, it has a high protein and fiber content. Contains calcium, magnesium and potassium. It is a source of iron, chromium, iodine and selenium. Contains no additives. Discover the product on Amazon

Organic spirulina, with vegetable proteins and natural seaweed – Nutrimea

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100% natural supplement, whose only ingredient is spirulina algae. The powder is obtained through a simple process of removing moisture and drying in the sun, before being compacted into cold-pressed tablets. The result is a 100% natural, organic food supplement, without excipients, additives, flavors and preservatives. Contains about 60% of proteins, source of vitamins (A, B, C, E): in particular of vitamin B12, involved in the metabolism of amino acids, in the synthesis of DNA and RNA and plays a fundamental role in the production of blood cells red and in bone marrow formation. High in phycocyanin: a powerful antioxidant that helps strengthen the immune system. Discover the product on Amazon

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Bio Spirulina with 3000mg of Algae per dose – Aldous Labs

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Contains 100% pure organic spirulina algae, grown in high purity water. Provides a large amount of vegan protein, B vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and essential fatty acids that help prevent fatigue, help increase muscle mass and improve sports performance, physical endurance, hair and skin health . Spirulina fit supplements also promote intestinal transit. Since the origin is 100% natural and organic, our body recognizes it and assimilates it to a greater extent without adverse reactions. Discover the product on Amazon

Organic Spirulina with 19% Phycocyanin – Nutri & Co.

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Spirulina Platensis contains 15 times more beta-carotene (vitamin A) than carrots, 3 times more protein than beef (including 9 essential amino acids), 4 times more B vitamins than liver (including B12). Contains minerals and antioxidants, including the famous phycocyanin. It is grown in the heart of the Oonaiyur natural site in South India away from sources of pollution. Cold drying is the basis for top quality spirulina. This process ensures a high content of active ingredients, including phycocyanin (17% against the average 8% on the market). It contributes to the vitality and proper functioning of the immune system. It is also a perfect ally in detox diets or nutritional deficiencies. Discover the product on Amazon

Spirulina Bio, con alga spirulina blu – GloryFeel

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Supplement in tablets. Contains high levels of vitamins (vitamin A, beta-carotene, vitamin D and vitamins B) mineral salts (very high levels of iron, magnesium and calcium) rich in proteins, essential amino acids, lipids, omega-6, high levels of gamma linolenic acid. 1 tablet contains 500mg of spirulina fit powder, the recommended daily dose of which (6 tablets per day) leads to a daily dosage of 3,000mg spirulina blue per day, with 780mg of phycocyanin (26%), the highest dosage of the market. Discover the product on Amazon

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