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Sprouted potatoes: contain a dangerous substance

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Sprouted potatoes: contain a dangerous substance

You have just realized that you have sprouted potatoes in the fridge: be careful, they contain a substance that is dangerous to health!

How many times have you happened to buy some bag of potatoes and leave them on the back burner. Until you realize that potatoes have unfortunately started making i sprouts. Usually the best remedy would be to use them as soon as possible, thus removing the shoots and cooking them for a few manicaretto last minute.

Potatoes with small sprouts on the skin (Canva – inran.it)

However, it seems that it is said that inside the potatoes with already evident sprouts there is a highly toxic substance and dangerous for your health and that of yours family. Thanks to this guide you will know the answer and above all it is important that you take care of your health. So that you don’t run into physical inconvenience not at all pleasant and beyond.

Sprouted potatoes: here is the dangerous substance

To understand the sprouted potatoes unlike others purchased at the moment, they have a longer maturation time. They appear slightly green with a typical bitterish aftertaste. If taken in small quantities they can promote multiple benefits such as lowering the bad cholesterol, the same goes for blood sugar and above all it also performs an antibiotic function. The substance in question is called solanine and it is a highly toxic substance for the human body, but certainly not carcinogenic.

It is a substance that causes a number of physical ailments such as vomiting, diarrhea, but alsoacceleration of the heartbeat during the course of the day. Mainly this substance is found precisely in large quantities both in the shoots and in the peel itself of this tuber. For this it is recommended to eat potatoes fresh and to consume them within and no later than a week. Thus avoiding eating sprouted potatoes. Plus you do a lot Attention to those wrinkled, dry, soft and full of sprouts.

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Man holding dry and wrinkled potatoes in his hand (Canva – inran.it)

This is because inside them there is a very significant concentration of solanine. And that is why it is strongly advised not to give them to children. Solanine is a substance alkaloid and the habitual intake of sprouted potatoes can lead to a number of ailments psycho-physical such as food poisoning, problems related to the digestive system and the nervous system. fpay close attention to this really worrying backstory to lemon juice – that’s what it is!

Woman holding fresh potatoes just picked from the garden (Canva – inran.it)

Often in our life we ​​have heard that the food can make us sick. Don’t make this common mistake again when storing cooked food: your health is at stake! Indeed, you too have discovered that thanks to this guide, potatoes with sprouts are good in small quantities, but also very bad for thebody don’t abuse. If you are a parent watch out for these common mistakes parents make with children when it comes to food!

Nicholas DeSantis

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