Home » Stomach on fire, do you suffer from gastritis? Foods to absolutely avoid

Stomach on fire, do you suffer from gastritis? Foods to absolutely avoid

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Stomach on fire, do you suffer from gastritis?  Foods to absolutely avoid

Do you also have a stomach that burns constantly and you don’t know how to do it? Here are the foods you need to avoid if you have this problem.

Not everyone suffers from gastritis, but those who deal with constant heartburn may agree with us that such a feeling causes immense annoyance and discomfort.

Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosaor the inner lining of the stomach. It is a very common condition that can be associated with various disturbing symptoms and lead to complications if it is not adequately treated.

Despite what one might think, finding a definitive remedy for gastritis is possible. Perhaps not everyone imagines it, but there is the possibility of radically mitigating the discomfort of this pathology by completely eliminating some specific foods from one’s diet. What are they exactly? Let’s discover them together.

Pay attention to the symptoms of gastritis to intervene in time

The gastric wall, which is lined with mucus, also produces hydrochloric acid and gastric juices necessary to digest food, but it can happen that the production of acid and gastric juices change and cause this type of pain. Gastritis can be of two types:

  • Chronic atrophic gastritis: most commonly affects the elderly and reduces acid production, which may increase the risk of ulcers and gastric cancer
  • Erosive or erosive gastrite: it is characterized by small erosions or ulcers on the gastric mucosa, causing pain.
What are the foods to avoid if you suffer from gastritis (tantasalute.it)

Furthermore, it is of fundamental importance to be able to recognize which ones I knownot the main symptoms of gastritis, so as to be able to intervene in time, preventing the problem from getting worse and worse. The symptoms that may appear are:

  • Abdominal pain or discomfort
  • Acid regurgitation
  • Nausea and vomit
  • Sense of early fullness during meals
  • Loss of appetite
  • Iron and/or vitamin B12 deficiency anemia
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In cases where you are suffering from one mild form of gastritisall you need to do is succeed in follow a new diet, going to eliminate foods that can irritate the stomach and gastric mucosa. First of all, we find alcohol of course and spices.

The other types of items that are from avoid I am those that can increase acidity, while those recommended are those that have greater alkalization. Foods that contain animal proteins and cow’s milk must be absolutely reduced, as well as acidic foods such as tomatoes and sauces used in this. Carbonated drinks can also cause an increase in this problem, and if you are a coffee lover it would be best to limit your consumption of this drink as well. Finally, even if it is not strictly connected to food consumption, it is important to limit, if not completely eliminate smoking.

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