Home » Stramezzi shows the pre-Speranza care guide ▷ “The biggest scandal of the modern era” in the European Parliament

Stramezzi shows the pre-Speranza care guide ▷ “The biggest scandal of the modern era” in the European Parliament

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Stramezzi shows the pre-Speranza care guide ▷ “The biggest scandal of the modern era” in the European Parliament

Many of the things that are emerging, from AIFA chats aimed at not publishing inconvenient data on vaccines, to home therapies ignored for over two years, have reached a large part of the population, but less certain buildings where the fate of the latter is decided . In this sense, the International Covid Summit is perhaps the first precedent in Brussels in which there is a real confrontation: once the work has begun, doctors and specialists speak in the classroom who suddenly saw themselves as heretics in the eyes of many. Two years later, the demonstration that they have never been there was, but now the clarity on what happened in Italy between February and May 2020 must be made and disclosed.
He knew her, he had perhaps seen her before his eyes Andrea Stramezzi, when in the middle of the first lockdown he rushed to save a friend’s dad. He begged the police to let him pass,”help me save his life“. It happened with the usual methods, “or that would have been my last Covid patient“.
Then he offended and teased them. The rants and the media pillory in favor of the camera, which perhaps have refined the awareness in doctors like Stramezzi.
As well as certain uncomfortable documents, because fragments of those accursed months have remained. For example, these guidelines preceded the government’s indications by a few days. Stramezzi himself showed them in Brussels:

“It’s an important, decisive thing.
These guidelines are from March 27, 2020. Made by the local health authority – then by the hospital – Pope John XXIII, the first hit in Italy, and perhaps in Europe.
Published guidelines call for azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine at home. Then, in the event of serious Covid, hospitalization, perhaps cortisone and enoxaparin. We already knew everything on March 27, 2020. Until then we had only had 600 deaths in Italy, of the other 190 thousand deaths, the responsibility lies with those who ignored the early home therapies and the hyperimmune plasma of Dr. De Donno. This knowing that the authorization of mRNA vaccines would have been conditional in an emergency on the fact that there were no cures, otherwise they would not have been able to authorize them.
The biggest business in Western history, the biggest hoax that one day, sooner or later, will be considered not only the biggest scandal of the modern era, but the biggest genocide of the century, because in addition to the denied treatments and the complicity of mainstream media and scientific journals, some powerful ones have exploited fear and caused endless losses. This despite knowing that Covid is treated with early, simple and inexpensive home therapy.
Vaccines are therefore useless, cures exist. Vaccines are ineffective. They don’t prevent contagion and disease, since all messenger RNA viruses are constantly mutating, and we’ve known it forever.
Vaccines are harmful and the many cases of adverse events will be the challenge for medicine in the coming years. This European Parliament, which I thank for the invitation, cannot ignore it, or history will condemn it”.

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