Home » Strawberries, is it safe to consume even those with mold?

Strawberries, is it safe to consume even those with mold?

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Strawberries, is it safe to consume even those with mold?

Are you sure you can consume strawberries with mold? It is a doubt that many people have. Let’s find out the truth.

Strawberries with and without mold – Pinterest – Orizzontenergia.it

The strawberries they are a very easy fruit to find in this season which is why it is the ideal time to enjoy them. Loved by children because of their sweet taste and irresistible scent, strawberries can be enjoyed in many ways, but the best way is to enjoy them rawmaybe with just a little sugar.

However, it often happens to find the mold on strawberries after just a couple of days of purchase. That is may occur due to incorrect storage or an overfilled refrigerator which therefore cools less.

But can strawberries with mold be eaten? Surely they don’t make you want much, but often there are people who try to eat them even with mold in order not to throw them away. Let’s find out if it can be done or not.

Strawberries with mold: yes or no?

strawberries with mold dangers
Strawberries with mold – freshplaza.it – Horizonnergia.it

The mold it is a fungal organism that grows on food and damp surfaces, but not all molds are harmful.

Some varieties of molds are even useful, as in the case of the production of some cheeses (for example gorgonzola), while others can be toxic and harmful to health.

The presence of mold on strawberries can raise concerns, especially if you consider that this fruit is often eaten fresh and without cooking.

The mold on this fruit can come in many different shapes and colors, ranging from white to blue to green to black. If you notice the presence of mold on a strawberry, the main question that arises is whether it is safe to consume it by simply removing the affected part. In general, experts recommend taking a certain amount caution.

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First, it’s important to consider the nature of the strawberries. Their porous surface and soft texture promote the growth of mold, which can penetrate deeper than other foods.

Even if you remove the outer part of the strawberry affected by mold, it may still be present in the fruit and can spread inside.

Secondly, the presence of mold on strawberries can be an indicator of advanced ripening or a product deterioration.

edible mold strawberries
Strawberries still good – Pixabay – Horizonnergia.it

As we mentioned above, mold can be the result of incorrect storage, too high temperatures or high humidity. These factors can negatively affect the quality and safety of strawberries.

Some molds can produce toxinscalls mycotoxins, which can be harmful to health if ingested in large quantities. The presence of mold on the surface of strawberries can indicate the presence of mycotoxins inside the fruit, even if they are not visible to the naked eye.

Consuming strawberries with mold could therefore pose a health risk, especially for the most vulnerable people, such as children, the elderly or those with weak immune systems.

In conclusion, therefore, to avoid contracting unpleasant diseases it is always advisable do not consume strawberries with mold.

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