Home » Stress dermatitis: how to recognize and treat it

Stress dermatitis: how to recognize and treat it

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Stress dermatitis: how to recognize and treat it

Our body, during particularly stressful periods, tends to somatise anxiety and fatigue, not only on the internal organs, but also on the skin, with some types of dermatitis, such as atopic dermatitis and dermatitis from stress.

These pathologies, in order not to get worse, should not be underestimated. That’s why it’s important to know how to recognize them and, above all, how to treat them. Discover all the details in the in-depth analysis.

Stress dermatitis: what is it?

Stress can reflect on skin in various ways: from urticaria to hair loss, from psoriasis to neurodermatitis itching, from seborrheic dermatitis to graying hair, from melasma to allergic dermatitis, to stress dermatitis.

Stress dermatitis is a complex disease involving the interaction of genetic, environmental and immunological factors.

Recent studies suggest that psycho-neuro-immunological factors and emotional stress undoubtedly influence its evolution.

Stress compromises the function of the skin barrier and favors the flare-up of dermatitis and its more difficult recovery. Those who suffer from stress dermatitis appear to have a hereditary hypothalamic deficiency which compromises the normal function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.

Patients enter a loop, because dermatitis itself becomes a cause of stress and compromises the quality of life of patients and their families.

Here because a psychological intervention can improve the well-being of the patient and also his skin.

How does stress dermatitis manifest itself?

Photo Shutterstock | Miljan Zivkovic

The skin somatizations they can occur in any area of ​​the body and everyone has a predilection area, but the most affected areas are:

  • scalp;
  • total;
  • genital area.

These areas are very innervated and rich in hormone receptors, which is why they are the most affected.

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Symptoms of stress dermatitis can include very dry or itchy skin which can break and ooze clear liquid when scratched.

The symptomatology calms down or worsens depending on whether you are experiencing a serene or stressful period. For some people, various external factors, such as school or work, can cause stress, resulting in worsening dermatitis symptoms.

For others, flare-ups come from the stress of knowing you have eczema. The psychological stress of having eczema can often lead to more significant problems.

Stress dermatitis can also affect children. In this case, parents must quickly resort to a diagnosis and treatment, to prevent the presence of eczema from leading the children to become more stressed, to lose self-esteem, to be irritable, anxious and to isolate themselves.

The most common symptoms are:

  • itching;
  • blisters;
  • redness;
  • skin rashes;
  • dryness and peeling of the skin;
  • skin lichenification.

What are the causes of stress dermatitis?

The mechanisms that trigger stress dermatitis are not yet fully understoodbut the causes are usually to be found in a lifestyle that is too stressful.

One difference between dermatitis and contact – in which allergens are the cause of eczema – is the excessive buildup of tension, stress and worry that triggers the reaction.

The daily commitmentsthe commitments professionalthe organization of family, school and interpersonal relationshipsbut also traumatic events and big changes are potential stressors to which we are constantly exposed without realizing it.

In the long term, this endangers the psychophysical balance with consequences on the complex mechanisms that regulate hormones and inflammatory mediators.

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The skin therefore represents the outlet valve for particularly stressful periods, sometimes exacerbated by the use of wrong cosmetics, by cold or humidity, by continuous washing and rubbing.

Cures and treatments for stress dermatitis

Preventing stress dermatitis is nearly impossible since it stress it strikes even if we don’t want it; however, the stress-relieving techniques that we can put in place are of considerable help:

  • hobby;
  • regular sports;
  • meditation;
  • yoga;
  • cognitive behavioral therapy with a psychologist.

They are the best methods against stress dermatitis.

Most of stress dermatitis they manifest as skin inflammations and it is natural to think of cortisone to solve them. In reality, cortisone is the least suitable remedy. It does not go to eradicate the cause of the eczema and, moreover, it causes addiction.

Per treat the skin it is better to resort to natural productssuch as soothing (olive oil is the top ingredient), emollients, reducing to then concentrate on the stress which is the cause of everything.

Your dermatologist will decide if you need to take antihistamines, cortisone or antibiotics. Trust her care and follow her to the letter.

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