Home » Stress, from stem cells a natural solution. Here are the new frontiers of regenerative medicine

Stress, from stem cells a natural solution. Here are the new frontiers of regenerative medicine

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Stress, from stem cells a natural solution.  Here are the new frontiers of regenerative medicine

Prof. Eugenio Caradonna, president of SIMCRI: “A renewed concept: from the staminality of the individual to well-being. Measuring circulating stem cells allows us to find out how we are and to intervene to improve our state of health

Naples, 21 October 2022 – Pandemic, economic difficulties, pollution, lack of physical activity, tensions at work: these are some of the major causes of stress, which affects 9 out of 10 people in Italy. completely natural weapons: stem cells, the regenerative engine of our body, able to give us information about our state of health.

With a simple blood sample – as for the measurement of cholesterol – it is possible to measure one’s level of ‘stemness’ and decide whether to intervene to increase it. In fact, a greater number of these cells means more well-being, resolution of health problems, wounds and dermatological disorders, anti-aging effects and an important reduction in stress, among the main factors responsible for their decrease.

Themes that are typical of regenerative medicine, such as innovative therapies and the concept of biological resolution, will be discussed at the 7th National Congress of SIMCRI, the Italian Society of Multi-specialty Regenerative Medicine and Surgery, in Naples until 22 October. 170 speakers will be present, including prof. Gerosa for cardiovascular diseases, prof. Boccafoschi and prof. Cusano for biotechnology, Dr. Trojan for tissue transplantation, prof. Amato and Dr. Mancusi for vascular pathologies and prof. Formisano for analyzes related to regenerative medicine. The concept of biological resolution will also be the subject of two round tables, which will be attended by prof. Ettore Novellino and the Extraordinary Commissioner of the government Giuseppe Vadalà.

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“Stem cells are able to show us how we are and how we should intervene to increase our well-being – explains Eugenio Caradonna, President of SIMCRI – The discovery, in 2002, of their presence in all tissues of the body, has opened the way for many uses: today they are the basis of therapies in the dermatological, gynecological, algological fields, not to mention their extensive use in aesthetic medicine. They can be combined with many treatments that exploit new technologies, such as radio frequency and magnetic fields “.

“Their measurement is really simple, a blood sample is enough to be able to act with tools aimed at decreasing stress levels and improving the quality of life – explains Caradonna – The VII edition of the Congress will allow us to analyze their major uses, but also to talk about biomaterials and biotechnologies, about regenerative medicine in the cardiovascular field and to take stock, thanks to a legislative session, on the problems inherent in cell therapies. We will also talk about wound care, pain therapy and the development of the circular economy, which translates into disease prevention. We will discuss about stem cells as anti-aging in the round table Wellness, well-being, aging and regenerative medicine, while the themes of environmental sustainability and the benefits of nutraceuticals will be addressed in the meeting The new frontiers for a sustainable economy, the regenerative approach from ‘agriculture for human health ”.

The two days will also include the 4th edition of the SIMCRI School Congress, the school of theoretical-practical professional training conceived by the Company, which for years has been an important point of reference in the training of professionals in the field of regenerative medicine for therapies. advanced.

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“The training of young doctors is one of our main objectives – comments Michele Angelo Farina, President of SIMCRI School and Honorary President and Founder of SIMCRI – In a historical moment in which professional figures in the health sector tend to be lacking, investing in them is necessary is critical. Regenerative medicine will play an increasingly important role in the therapies of the future, because it can give excellent results in every branch of healthcare. This is why it is necessary to ensure a careful, complete and up-to-date preparation on the latest technological innovations. Our commitment as SIMCRI is evidenced by the presence of 12 public and private CMRs (Regenerative Medicine Centers) in Italy. We also participate in the establishment of guidelines for the application of treatment protocols “.

“Today, thanks to regenerative medicine, we have a series of possibilities that lead to delaying or even avoiding interventions relating to the musculoskeletal system – underlines Donato Rosa, Professor of Orthopedics and Traumatology and head of the Regenerative Medicine and Apparatus Program musculoskeletal at the Federico II University of Naples – Companies and patients show a growing interest in these treatment opportunities, ranging from the use of stem cells to cartilage cells. In orthopedics there is an important flourishing of both intraoperative and extraoperative possibilities and a great scientific and research fervor. These opportunities for meeting and discussion are really important, because they allow us to point out the guidelines for use in the context of individual pathologies “.

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