Home » Summer diet: 11 anti-heat foods that help us deal better with the heat

Summer diet: 11 anti-heat foods that help us deal better with the heat

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Summer diet: 11 anti-heat foods that help us deal better with the heat

The summer diet becomes lighter, fresher and more nutritious to counteract the heat already at the table

“Every diet has its season… and every season has its diet,” explains the nutritionist.

«We must make a premise: there is no diet that is good for everyone, neither in terms of quality nor quantity. Each of us is unique and has its own characteristics and needs (and requirements). Nonetheless, it is amply demonstrated that the Mediterranean diet with its principles is the best nutritional approach to inspire to promote the general well-being of our body”. says Dr. Sara BorchiaNutritionist biologist.

And it is precisely from the Mediterranean basin that some of the most suitable foods to counteract the summer heat come. These are «foods which, thanks to their characteristics and nutritional properties, can help us better bear the high summer temperatures, promoting the positive response of our body. Unfortunately or fortunately, there is not even a “miracle food”, either for this or for other purposes. What is really important is being able to have a balanced diet and a diet that is as varied and balanced as possible”.

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Dr. Borchia recommends these 11 foods typical of the Mediterranean diet, to be integrated into our summer diet: «The foods mentioned all belong to the vegetable world of fruit and vegetables and for this reason it is very important that they are included in the context of a balanced diet, such as suggests the Mediterranean diet, along with whole grains, legumes, white meat, white and oily fish (rich in omega 3) and olive oil. In fact, an excess of fruit and vegetables, despite their beneficial properties, does not always lead to the desired result”. And she concludes: «It would be ideal, in particular, eat fruit for breakfast and/or as a snack and insert instead vegetables in main meals. In addition to nutrition, it is necessary, especially in summer, to hydrate properly. Tip for drinking more water: you can try creating flavored water with a few slices of lime, cucumber and mint, a refreshing aromatic herb».

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They have a vasoprotective, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant action as they contain various vitamins (vitamin C, B1, B2, B3, A) and mineral salts (potassium, calcium, phosphorus) as well as polyphenols, in particular anthocyanins, to which we owe most their benefits, especially those on blood circulation.
These too are a source of polyphenols, useful for improving circulation, to which we pay particular attention on hot days. In fact, by taking these natural substances, we do everything possible to help ourselves from within, through proper nutrition, to counteract the sensation of heavy legs typical of the summer period. They are also very rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that protects our cells from free radicals.
Thirst-quenching and refreshing fruit, made up of 93% water, contains vitamins A, C and a fair amount of salts such as potassium phosphorus magnesium. It is also low in calories (16 calories per 100g). But be careful not to overdo the quantities. Containing a lot of fiber, it should be eaten in moderation, especially in cases of abdominal swelling.
Extremely thirst-quenching thanks to the high percentage of water, it contains vitamins and mineral salts (particularly potassium), thus helping to maintain the hydro-saline balance. However, like watermelon, those with swelling problems should limit their intake, since it contains fermentable sugars and could cause discomfort even if taken in small quantities.
Low-calorie fruit with 33 calories per 100g, but sweet and thirst-quenching, being made up of 90% water. It has antioxidant properties given by the presence of vitamins (A and C) and a good quantity of salts such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium. Unlike peach and watermelon, it is also suitable for those who suffer from abdominal swelling and follow low FODMAP diets as it contains a low amount of fermentable sugars. In other words, it is a fruit which, even if consumed during the days spent at the beach, shouldn’t have a negative effect on the beloved flat stomach.
It has anti-inflammatory, anti-edema and digestive properties thanks to bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme present above all in the stem, also used in the field of nutraceuticals as a supplement for the treatment of cellulite.
Like pineapple, papaya also has anti-inflammatory properties thanks to another proteolytic enzyme, papain. It is rich in vitamins such as C and A and carotenoids, thus also boasting antioxidant and anti-aging properties.
It has purifying and refreshing properties because it is made up of 95% water. It also contains a moderate amount of vitamins (C and K) and mineral salts (magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese), perfect for rehydrating the skin.
Low-calorie (11 calories per 100g) and excellent even in cases of swelling as it is easily digestible compared to other vegetables. It is considered moisturizing and thirst-quenching due to its high water content and also contains micronutrients including vitamin C, vitamin A, folic acid, potassium and manganese.
Also perfect in slimming diets with 17 calories per 100g, it is at the same time thirst-quenching since it is made up of 94% water and remineralising due to the high presence of mineral salts. It has antioxidant properties thanks to the presence of carotenoids such as lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin which help us protect ourselves (especially at the eye level) from the sun’s rays.
This too, like the tomato, is useful in protecting against UV rays due to the presence of carotenoids, in particular beta-carotene, but also lutein and zeaxanthin. Also considered remineralizing due to the high content of mineral salts (iron, calcium, manganese, potassium, sodium) it also contains vitamins such as C and some of group B.

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