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Swimming pool: Can chlorine cause eye irritation?

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Swimming pool: Can chlorine cause eye irritation?

Il I swim, you know, is the most complete sport. It can be practiced at any age since, thanks to the absence of gravity, it is a low-impact activity especially for the joints, which allows you to keep fit, tone all the muscles of our body and, at the same time, reduce stress. There is an aspect related to this sport that is rarely talked about, namely the annoying reactions which sometimes you can have because of the chlorine in the pools.

In this article

What is the function of chlorine?

«The main function of chlorine is to prevent bacterial growth and proliferation and neutralize the pathogens present. Especially when there is a large influx of people in the pool, the risk to spread infections it is greater,” says the doctor Lucius Burattoophthalmologist in Milan and ophthalmic surgeon specializing in cataract surgery and myopia surgery.

Chlorine, eye irritation: protect yourself with goggles in the pool

«Il Chlorine can cause eye discomfort, especially if we are used to keeping them open while swimming in the pool. Eye irritation is due to a reaction to chloraminescombinations of chlorine and urea, which gradually build up in water when it is not treated and cared for properly. Frequent swimmers are more exposed at this risk and that is why it is essential to use the swimming goggles first immerse yourself in the pool», says Dr. Buratto.

The reaction to chlorine depends on eye sensitivity

“It all depends on your own sensitivity ocular, for example the reaction in the eyes can be more frequent in subjects with problems affecting the respiratory system, for example those with asthma, or those with high exposure to the substance, for example lifeguards, professional cleaners and professional swimmers. Also, another determining factor is the concentration of chlorine: for this reason it would be better avoid very crowded poolswhere chlorine, combining with sweat and urine, can increase reactions», continues the expert.

Having a towel handy is helpful

It is advisable to always leave a towel near the pool. When you get into the water, it’s sometimes not possible to prevent chlorine from getting into your eyes, even with goggles on. Having a towel handy is very useful: drying them immediately as soon as you go out or as needed can help avoid eye irritation.

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Chlorine, eye irritation: swimming with contact lenses is not recommended

It would be appropriate that those who wear the contact lenses remove them before each dive in the pool. In fact, chlorine could be absorbed by the lens and be like this toxic to the corneacausing possible bacterial, viral or fungal contamination.

A shower when you get out of the tub to get rid of the chlorine

It is essential to make one shower after bath to remove residual chlorine remained on the body and face, so that it does not cause problems. After contact with chlorine it is advisable to wash with detergents, preferring those with an acidic pH in order to limit negative reactions between the chemical substances it contains and the chlorine residues deposited on the skin.

There are medications for chlorine allergy

If after a few hours the reaction does not show signs of improvement, it is advisable to consult a specialist doctor, who will evaluate the possibility of prescribe antihistamine drugs or cortisone-based.

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