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Ten things to do to get back in shape after Easter and get to the top in the summer

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Ten things to do to get back in shape after Easter and get to the top in the summer

Ten very useful tips to get back in shape after Easter. Some effort is needed, but without exaggerating you will be able to have good results.

We all know it well. Easter is the halfway point before summer. We can say that, somehow, it’s the last moment to exaggerate a little at the table with friends and relatives before trying to do everything and everything to safeguard our physical shape in view of the summer.

Getting back in shape after the summer – Grantennistoscana.it

Let’s be clear, each one has its own and there isn’t a right or wrong size, a good one or an ugly one. However, we know very well what our ideal weight is and after a few too many chocolate eggs, It’s time to get back in shape.

The idea of ​​going on an exhausting and very strict diet is not for you? We understand you. It’s hard these days to always say no to the temptations or convenience of takeout. However there are some trickswe have found 10, which can help you in your weight loss journey or “fitness”. And, it must be said, it is not nothing terrifyingly difficult to follow, On the contrary!

10 tips to get back in shape after Easter and Easter Monday

So let’s see together some useful tips to get back in shape after Easter and Easter Monday, saying goodbye to revelry for a while.

Flat stomach, how to do it after Easter – Grantennistoscana.it
  1. Stop the chocolate: surely at Easter you will have had an indigestion of it. For this reason, the first thing to do is try to reduce the amount of sweets and instead include much more fruit and vegetables.
  2. Break from junk food: we know a sandwich and french fries are comfort food for many people. However, this is not the time to give in and slip into the weaknesses of gastronomic pleasure.
  3. Drink a lot of water: hydration is essential. After days of complex foods, hydrating and drinking water is important to eliminate all toxins from the body.
  4. Bye Bye Alcool: fat, swollen and caloric. Alcoholic beverages, unfortunately even a single glass of wine, are to be absolutely avoided in your detox journey after Easter!
  5. Go out for a walk: if you are not a sporty person, at least try to take a few walks. Thanks to the warm season, going for a walk can become a healthy and useful activity to lose a few pounds.
  6. Don’t skip meals: the most wrong thing you can do is not to eat. You don’t get any result except to perhaps arrive at dinner or lunch hungry and exaggerate.
  7. Get at least 7 hours of sleep: it would be better to get to 8, but if not, even seven hours of sleep are fine. Sleep is important in order not to increase stress
  8. Watch out for snacks: we know you have some Easter leftovers to work off, but it’s best to avoid and instead prefer a healthy snack like a carrot or some celery. They replenish, hydrate and fill up with vitamins.
  9. Do not rush: don’t think that the results can be seen overnight. It takes time and perseverance to get back in shape.
  10. Keep your diet healthy: to ensure that your efforts are not in vain, you must not stop as soon as you feel more deflated.
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So here are our 10 tips to get back in shape after Easter and try to get to summer 2023 in the best possible way. Are you ready?

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