Home » The Association for Self-Care in Health Launches #We are SelfCare Campaign to Promote Health and Well-being

The Association for Self-Care in Health Launches #We are SelfCare Campaign to Promote Health and Well-being

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The Association for Self-Care in Health Launches #We are SelfCare Campaign to Promote Health and Well-being

Title: Association for Self-Care Launches #We are SelfCare Campaign Ahead of World Self-Care Day

Subtitle: Anefp’s initiatives promote a holistic approach to self-care, highlighting healthy lifestyles, mental health, sustainability, solidarity, and diversity.

The Association for Self-Care in Health (anefp) has recently launched the #We are SelfCare campaign, aiming to recognize the various activities carried out by associated companies to promote self-care among their employees. This campaign is in celebration of the upcoming World Self-Care Day on July 24th.

For three weeks, the #We are SelfCare campaign, also known as #SomosAutoCuidado, will leverage anefp’s digital platforms including Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to share initiatives centered around healthy eating, physical exercise, mental health, sustainability, solidarity, and diversity. These initiatives are a reflection of the regular participation of employees in the associated companies.

Jaume Pey, the general director of anefp, emphasizes the importance of valuing the commitment of these companies towards the well-being of their professionals. He states, “We want to value the commitment of the companies associated with anefp with the health of their professionals, sharing some of the many initiatives that they carry out.”

The #SomosAutoCuidado campaign is a continuation of previous campaigns carried out by the Association for Health Self-Care under the hashtags #EsCosaTuya (2021) and #It’sThingsofEveryone (2022). All these campaigns share a common goal – highlighting individual responsibility and how self-care involves society as a whole.

Pey further adds, “With #SomosAutoCuidado, we want to value the commitment of the companies associated with anefp with the health of their professionals, sharing some of the many initiatives carried out and that contribute to the physical and emotional well-being of the people who work in their companies and their family and friends circles, involving them in them.”

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The COVID-19 pandemic has fueled an increased interest in self-care among Spanish society. Pey notes, “The COVID-19 pandemic has given a great boost to interest in self-care among Spanish society. More and more people want to take a greater responsibility for their health and have a more proactive attitude regarding their well-being, especially in relation to prevention, healthy eating habits, exercise, sustainability, diversity, etc.”

While Spain has significant potential for the development of self-care, Pey acknowledges that there is still progress to be made when compared to leading countries in self-care, such as Germany, the United Kingdom, or France. However, he highlights that Spanish citizens are increasingly becoming aware of the importance of self-care both individually and in society.

The #SomosAutoCuidado campaign, which commenced on July 3rd, will conclude on July 24th, World Self-Care Day. The campaign will culminate with a video showcasing the self-care initiatives carried out by the anefp team.

World Self-Care Day was established by the Global Self Care Federation (GSCF) in 2011 and is observed annually on July 24th to raise awareness about the importance of taking care of one’s health 24/7.

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