Home » The Benefits and Proper Execution of Dumbbell Lateral Raises for Shoulder Strength

The Benefits and Proper Execution of Dumbbell Lateral Raises for Shoulder Strength

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The Benefits and Proper Execution of Dumbbell Lateral Raises for Shoulder Strength

Lateral Raises with Dumbbells: Strengthening the Shoulders for a Perfect Workout

July 6, 2023 (Updated July 6, 2023 | 12:12) – © breaking latest news

Lateral raises with dumbbells are considered a cult exercise when it comes to strengthening the shoulders. This essential movement primarily targets the deltoid muscles, particularly the lateral bundles. However, it also engages the trapezius and serratus major muscles, making it a valuable addition to any workout routine.

To execute lateral raises correctly, it is advised to use dumbbells weighing between 2 and 6/8 kg. Laura Puccini, a personal trainer, yoga teacher, and Pilates expert, emphasizes the importance of avoiding heavier loads due to the potential strain on the scapulohumeral joint. Puccini suggests starting the exercise by standing with good core activation, keeping the arms stretched along the trunk with palms facing the thighs.

During the movement, inhale and exhale as you raise the dumbbells to shoulder height while keeping the elbows slightly bent. When lowering the dumbbells, focus on slowing down the movement to counteract the force of gravity and activate the eccentric muscles. Puccini recommends performing three to five sets of five to 10 reps for muscle hypertrophy. Additionally, it is advisable to increase the load every three weeks for progressive improvement.

For individuals with advanced fitness levels, there is an option to increase the difficulty of the exercise. Instead of keeping the elbows at 90 degrees, try performing lateral raises with straight arms. Additionally, increasing the number of sets and repetitions can further challenge the muscles.

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The frequency of training depends on individual goals. To achieve perfectly sculpted and strong shoulders, it is necessary to train consistently at least three times a week. Consistency is vital in obtaining desired results.

Lateral raises with dumbbells not only enhance the aesthetics of the shoulders but also contribute to better shoulder stability, mobility, and overall upper body strength. Incorporating this exercise into a well-rounded workout routine will ensure comprehensive shoulder development.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice. Please consult with a fitness expert or healthcare provider before attempting any new workout regimen or exercise.

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