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The Changing Face of Covid: A Shift in Lethality and the Importance of Caution and Vaccination

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The Changing Face of Covid: A Shift in Lethality and the Importance of Caution and Vaccination

New Vaccines to be Available in November, Urges President of the Order of Doctors and Dentists of Florence

Florence, 15 September 2023 – In a recent statement, Pietro Dattolo, the president of the Order of Doctors and Dentists of Florence and its province, announced that the lethality characteristics and severity of Covid-19 have significantly decreased in the evolution of the disease. However, he emphasized the importance of caution among the most fragile and elderly categories, as well as the need for continued attention to one’s health.

Dattolo noted that while there has been a recent increase in infections and hospitalizations, the majority of cases do not present critical issues. He expressed optimism about the development of new vaccines that will be available from November, which will be capable of protecting the body from recent Coronavirus variants. Dattolo urged individuals to join the vaccination campaign and take responsibility for their health.

The president of the Order emphasized the importance of prevention for overall health and to alleviate pressure on the hospital organizational system. He called for the development of clear and timely guidelines for schools and work environments to manage infections and avoid uncertainty as activities resume. Dattolo also highlighted the need for equally precise indications for classes and companies, stating that updated rules are necessary to address the current situation.

Dattolo further revealed that the Ministry of Health has provided procedures for carrying out swabs and more in hospitals. He stressed the importance of receiving similar guidelines for schools and companies to avoid overwhelming general practitioners with inquiries and requests for clarifications from the population.

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As Covid-19 continues to evolve, Dattolo’s remarks serve as a reminder of the ongoing need for caution and the importance of vaccination in protecting public health. It is hoped that the upcoming availability of new vaccines will contribute to the further containment of the virus and the return to a sense of normalcy in society.

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