Home » The Dangers of a Sedentary Lifestyle: More Harmful Than We Think

The Dangers of a Sedentary Lifestyle: More Harmful Than We Think

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The Dangers of a Sedentary Lifestyle: More Harmful Than We Think

Many doctors say that “sedentary lifestyle is the new smoking”. The negative effects on our health are many more than we think.

We live in an era where a large part of the world‘s population works thanks to a computer. While these people can enjoy jobs that are not physically demanding, on the other hand they have to deal with a great plague of the modern era: sedentary lifestyle. According to research published by The Lancet Global Health a few years ago, more than a quarter of adults globally (28%, 1.4 billion people) are physically inactive.

This means that the lives of these people, on many days of the week, take place almost exclusively sitting down. The statistics have also worsened since the pandemic, as remote working has become even more widespread and people often do without even traveling from home. Well, many studies show that this sedentary lifestyle will have very negative effects on our body, especially in the long term.

The body and mind are made to stay active

Human beings are made to stand. Our heart and cardiovascular system function more effectively in this position, as do our intestines. Not surprisingly, it is common for bedridden people in hospital to have problems with bowel function. When we are physically active, our overall energy levels and stamina improve.

Sitting for long periods can lead to the weakening and deterioration of the large muscles of the legs and buttocks. Many people do not realize these negative effects in the present, but they will be much more noticeable in old age, when they are more likely to hurt themselves by falling and to suffer strains during exercise.

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A sedentary lifestyle also increases the risk of suffering from anxiety and depression.

A sedentary lifestyle is also a great ally for weight problems. Moving your muscles helps your body digest the fats and sugars you eat. If you spend a lot of time sitting, your digestion is not efficient and you tend to accumulate fat in your body. Even if you exercise but spend a lot of time sitting, there is a great risk of developing metabolic syndrome. The latest research suggests that we need 60-75 minutes a day of moderate activity to counter the dangers of excessive sedentary lifestyle.

Sitting too much has negative implications both on the future of our body, because we risk developing conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer, and, surprisingly, on our mental health. Although further studies are needed, it is already clear that the risk of anxiety and depression is greater in people who spend more time sitting.

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