Home Ā» the death toll rises to 70. The appeal of the mayor of Crotone to Meloni

the death toll rises to 70. The appeal of the mayor of Crotone to Meloni

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the death toll rises to 70.  The appeal of the mayor of Crotone to Meloni

Another child’s body found, he is the 70th victim

The lifeless body of another child victim of last Sunday’s shipwreck at Steccato di Cutro was found on Botricello beach. The point of discovery is about ten kilometers from the one where the boat loaded with migrants was wrecked. The child found in Botricello has an apparent age of 12-13 and adds to the one of about three years who was recovered from the sea this morning in Cutro. With that of Botricello, the confirmed dead of the shipwreck rise to 70, the sixteenth minor

The mayor’s appeal to Meloni

“If you have not decided to bring your closeness as Prime Minister, come to Crotone and take her to your mother”. So the mayor of Crotone, Vincenzo Voce, in a letter sent to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. Ā«These people – adds Voce – were waiting for a testimony of the presence of the State, which arrived very high from the Head of State. But the government was missing here, you were the president. We waited a week. The Crotone community, struck by enormous pain, waited for a message from you, a phone call from you, a nod from you, which did not arrive Ā».

The Prosecutor of Crotone wants to hear the survivors of the shipwreck

The Prosecutor of Crotone wants to hear the survivors of the shipwreck of 26 February in Steccato di Cutro to reconstruct the activity of the smugglers and the crash of the caique on the shoal which caused the death of 69 migrants and an estimated number of missing between 27 and 47 people including many children. And what the Gazzetta del Sud writes. In the next few hours, the prosecutor Pasquale Festa, owner of the file, will make the request for an evidentiary hearing to the investigating judge of the Court of Crotone, Michele Ciociola. The objective of the Office led by the prosecutor Giuseppe Capoccia is to crystallize the evidence of the survivors’ stories.

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At the beginning of next week, probably already on Monday, the delegation to the Carabinieri by the Public Prosecutor of Crotone will be formalized for the acquisition of all the documents relating to the management of the Guardia di Finanza and Coast Guard of the boat loaded with migrants in the intent to reconstruct all the phases that elapsed between the signaling made by the Frontex plane up to the moment of the tragic crash. At the weekend, in fact, the prosecutor Capoccia is away for family reasons. The magistrate should return to office on Monday and together with the prosecutor in charge of the investigation, Pasquale Festa, the delegation for the acquisition of the documents will be formally entrusted to the carabinieri as part of the new line of investigations – at the moment against unknown persons and without hypothesizing a crime – opened to clarify what decisions were taken following the notification by Frontex at 11.03pm on Saturday 25th of a boat 40 miles off the Calabrian coast. The prosecutor thus intends to ascertain which decisions have been taken and whether there have been criminally relevant loopholes in the rescue chain.

The child’s body found in the sea

It was in the sea and not on the shore, as it was initially learned, the body of the child who is the sixty-ninth victim of the shipwreck of the boat full of migrants that happened last Sunday in “Steccato” di Cutro, in the Crotone area. The boy’s body was noticed by some volunteers who were on the beach. The Coast Guard and firefighters then recovered the body.

Found the body of a child

The firefighters found the body of a child who was part of the group of migrants involved in last Sunday’s shipwreck in Steccato di Cutro. The body was found on the shore where, according to what is assumed, it had recently been brought from the sea. This is the 15th minor found dead.

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