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the foods that should be limited

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the foods that should be limited

Many studies have linked cancer and nutrition, so here are some foods that you should stop eating to promote your health.

Hamburger and fries (Unsplash)

Many studies today have found that there is a strong link between cancer and nutrition. In fact, poor nutrition can lead to the onset of this pathology if associated with other variables (such as a sedentary lifestyle). For this reason, many studies have focused their thinking on which foods can be the best, but also those that are bad for your health.

That some foods are bad for your health salute of the organism was already well known, for example:

  • High blood pressure: avoid sausages, alcohol and salt;
  • Diabetes: avoid ice cream, chocolate, honey and other sugars;
  • Cholesterol: Avoid yogurt, refined carbohydrates, and animal fats.

Other studies, however, have focused on the disease “par excellence”, or cancer, finding a close correlation. To be precise, the foods that would go avoid or limited are eight. They are the ones that can lead to the onset of malignant tumors.

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Mindful eating: 8 foods to avoid and limit to prevent cancer

why limit red meat
Red meat (Pixabay)

The results come from Word Cancer Research Found, the non-profit association that conducted the study on cancer and nutrition. They show that to prevent this disease from being undermined it would be enough to follow a healthy eating plan, but specifically to avoid and limit eight foods in particular.

  • Pickles: the brine where they are placed, releases preservatives and nitrates that should be taken carefully so as not to affect health.
  • Smoked foods: the smoking process causes the release of certain toxins that end up in the food you eat.
  • Refined and sugary foods: they cause an increase in insulin in the blood, which can lead to cancer and pancreatic cancer.
  • Processed red meats: the amount of additives and excessive salt is mainly associated with colorectal cancer.
  • Hydrogenated fats: they are lipids that undergo an industrial manufacturing process and are not good for health, they can be: crackers, snacks and spreads.
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  • White flour: During research, this food has been associated with the onset of breast cancer.
  • French fries: cooking at very high temperatures involves the production of acrylamide, which is bad for the body.
  • Salmon: especially that of breeding is not good for health as it contains numerous chemicals that are harmful to the body.

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