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The Impact of Daylight Saving Time on Health: Effects, Annoyances, and Solutions

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The Impact of Daylight Saving Time on Health: Effects, Annoyances, and Solutions

Is the time change bad for your health? What are the effects that arise from this process? And, how to limit possible annoyances?

The day is approaching when the clocks will have to be moved back an hour and many are wondering what the effects will be on the body. The transition from summer time to solar time, which occurs every autumn, according to experts it could have particularly impactful effects on health.

Changing the time, what are the health effects? Milanocityrumors.it

In fact, some people may experience some discomfort, needing adequate time to get used to the change even if, in spring when the hands of the clock must be moved forward an hour, the effects on the body are more incisive. In both cases, experts hypothesize that this happens due to the levels of cortisol, the hormone that regulates responses to stress or the effect of light on the amygdala.

The scientists explained that the change produces a circadian misalignment whose effects have repercussions on psychophysical well-being. Some people may complain metabolic, cardiovascular and humoral disorders. Furthermore, in winter, the hours of light are reduced so some people will produce less by spending less time outdoors Vitamin D, complaining about a sense of chronic fatigue, muscle weakness and irritability.

Furthermore, the loss of an hour in the afternoon can exacerbate certain mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder or the so-called winter depression. Those who are inclined to experience depressive states may experience an increase in symptoms with the return to solar time, which then gradually disappear after about 10 weeks from the change.

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The transition from summer time to solar time affects psychophysical well-being, the solution proposed by scientists

Experts believe that these unwanted effects could be eradicated by maintaining solar time throughout the year. It could be the most appropriate solution to avoid them, since in this way, the light would be maximized in the first hours of winter days, which is the moment in which the body needs to recover energy to become alert and, also, this system would reduce the evening light in summer, which can hinder sleep. So for experts, permanent solar time would be more compatible with the natural biological sleep-wake cycle.

The change of time can favor the appearance of depressive or stress symptoms Milanocityrumors.it

To alleviate the possible discomfort that may arise when the hands go back an hour, it is necessary to carry out some daily actions and transform them into healthy habits. In the first instance it is advisable to take care of the diet, which must be varied, balanced and rich in nutrients. A second action to take concerns physical activity, which must be moderate and constant. Furthermore, it is important to reduce stress and dedicate yourself to activities that can instill well-being and relaxation.

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