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The Impact of Heat and Holidays on IBS: Managing Symptoms Through Diet and Lifestyle

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The Impact of Heat and Holidays on IBS: Managing Symptoms Through Diet and Lifestyle

Title: Managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) During the Summer Heat and Holidays

Subtitle: Tips for a Balanced Diet and Healthy Lifestyle to Alleviate Symptoms


As the summer heat and holiday season approach, it is important to consider the impact these factors can have on individuals with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). IBS is a chronic digestive disorder characterized by bloating, abdominal discomfort, and changes in bowel habits. While it is considered a benign condition, it requires careful management to improve the quality of life for those affected.

Balanced Diet and Lifestyle:

To minimize the effects of IBS, patients are advised to make dietary and lifestyle adjustments. The consumption of spices, caffeine, spicy foods, fats, gas-forming foods, and highly seasoned dishes should be avoided to prevent discomfort and irritation in the intestines. Patients should also prioritize good hydration by drinking at least two liters of water daily and eating four or five smaller meals throughout the day. The consumption of substances such as tobacco and alcohol should also be limited as they can exacerbate IBS symptoms.

Importance of Healthy Eating Habits:

Research has shown that a healthy and balanced diet, combined with a structured lifestyle, can help manage and alleviate gastrointestinal symptoms associated with IBS. Dr. Ana Ortiz, manager of the Farmasierra Health area, recommends avoiding foods that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine and reducing dishes with a high caloric intake. It is advisable to consume a greater amount of fiber while focusing on lighter, more easily digestible meals. Eating at regular times and at a relaxed pace can also contribute to symptom management.

Excluding Trigger Foods:

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Individuals with IBS often find that certain foods trigger their symptoms. While it is essential to consult with a gastroenterologist before making any drastic dietary changes, most IBS patients avoid common trigger foods such as spices, caffeine, spicy foods, fats, and gas-forming foods like legumes and broccoli. It is also important to moderate the consumption of fruits and vegetables and not to exclude any food group without proper knowledge, as this may compromise nutrient intake.

The Role of Probiotics:

Although a healthy eating plan is vital for managing IBS symptoms, some individuals may require additional support. Probiotic supplements, such as the Bifidobacterium longum 35624® strain, have been found to alleviate abdominal pain, reduce bloating and flatulence, improve bowel habits, and normalize cytokine levels in clinical studies. If symptoms persist despite dietary changes, a specific probiotic may be considered to help balance the intestinal microbiota and provide relief.


As the summer heat and holiday season disrupt routines and eating habits, it is crucial for individuals with IBS to prioritize their well-being. By adhering to a balanced diet, avoiding trigger foods, staying properly hydrated, and incorporating lifestyle adjustments, those with IBS can better manage symptoms and improve their quality of life. Additionally, consulting with healthcare professionals and considering probiotic supplementation may enhance the effectiveness of a holistic approach to IBS management.

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