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The Impact of Skipping Meals and Intermittent Fasting on Metabolism

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The Impact of Skipping Meals and Intermittent Fasting on Metabolism

New Study Explores Factors that Affect Metabolism

There has long been a debate about the significance of breakfast and its impact on metabolism. A new study conducted by nutrition specialist Evelina Flachi sheds light on the subject, suggesting that skipping breakfast could potentially lower metabolism. However, Flachi emphasizes that the effect largely depends on an individual’s overall lifestyle.

According to Flachi, activating a correct caloric consumption requires a hearty breakfast, followed by a moderate and complete lunch, and a low-calorie dinner. This approach to meal planning ensures a steady metabolism throughout the day.

Contrary to popular belief, the myth surrounding the potential increase in metabolism through the consumption of many small meals is not entirely false. Flachi explains that the digestion of food increases metabolism for a few hours, a phenomenon known as postprandial thermogenesis or the thermic effect of food. Therefore, consuming at least five balanced, small meals tailored to individual needs can have a positive effect on metabolism.

The study also addresses the concerns raised about intermittent fasting, a popular dietary practice. Flachi suggests that incorporating intermittent fasting into a personalized diet can prevent any potential decrease in metabolism. This approach allows individuals to reap the benefits of intermittent fasting while maintaining a healthy metabolism.

Understanding the factors that affect metabolism is crucial for individuals looking to achieve their weight loss or fitness goals. Flachi’s research highlights the importance of adopting a personalized approach to meal planning, considering one’s lifestyle and dietary preferences.

While this study offers valuable insights, further research is needed to explore the complex relationship between meal frequency and metabolism. In the meantime, individuals are encouraged to consult with nutrition experts to create personalized meal plans that work best for them.

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In conclusion, Flachi’s study highlights the significance of breakfast and meal frequency in regulating metabolism. It suggests that skipping meals, particularly breakfast, could potentially decrease metabolism. On the other hand, consuming many small, balanced meals throughout the day can increase metabolism. However, it is important to note that these effects are subjective and dependent on an individual’s lifestyle and dietary choices.

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