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The Impact of Sleep on Emotional Balance: What Happens in Our Brain While We Sleep

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The Impact of Sleep on Emotional Balance: What Happens in Our Brain While We Sleep

What Happens to Your Brain While You Sleep: The Importance of Emotional Balance

When we sleep, something transcendental happens in our brain. One of the main reasons why our body needs sleep is to achieve emotional balance, according to sleep expert Dr. Javier Albares. In fact, sleep disorders are closely related to anxiety disorders and mood disturbances. The lack of sleep can lead to irritability, impulsivity, low mood, lack of empathy, and creativity, creating a situation and states of mind linked to bad dreams.

Brain activity during sleep is divided into three stages: wakefulness, non-REM sleep, and REM sleep. It is during the REM sleep phase when our emotional circuits adjust, which is essential for maintaining correct emotional intelligence. Depriving yourself of just two hours of sleep can lead to significant repercussions on your emotional control.

According to world sleep expert Matthew Walker, people who lack sleep become 60% more reactive, showing greater hyperactivity in the amygdala, which is the emotional center of the brain. Studies have shown that individuals who do not sleep enough experience a greater emotional lack of control and exhibit more irrational and primary responses.

Thus, it is essential to prioritize sleep and ensure that we are getting enough rest to maintain our emotional well-being and control.

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