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«The judiciary does not make the opposition. Now the separation of careers »

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«The judiciary does not make the opposition.  Now the separation of careers »

To understand the mood of the right-wing leader and why she decided to dramatize, rekindle the institutional clash and “lock down” the two leaders of her party, we need to read the harsh unofficial note from Palazzo Chigi. A few lines, sharp as sabers. Meloni accuses “a section of the judiciary” of moving in harmony with the opposition and of having opened the electoral campaign for the 2024 European elections well in advance. “Clockwork justice”, is the judgment of Palazzo Chigi.

Collaborators and ministers ensure that Giorgia Meloni did not have in mind to declare war on the judiciary and that indeed, considering the field of justice undermined, she had forced herself to move with great caution. But in the last two days the tide has changed and the idea of ​​«Berlusconising» the executive, in the sense of giving battle to what the founder of Forza Italia called «red robes», has appeared as the only possible reaction to the “electoral moves” by the judges. Rumors circulated among FdI MPs in the evening that Undersecretary Alfredo Mantovano had the idea of ​​trying to break the circuit “between certain magistrates and certain journalists”. But the reality would be different, Mantovano would have tried to be a firefighter, finding a wall in front of him. Because the prime minister has had enough of the notices from “third parties” that she no longer considers such, such as the Anac, the Court of Auditors and “a band” of the judiciary: “They want to make us pay for the Nordio reform and the fact that for the first time at the CSM the center-right has won”.

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“If someone thinks they scare us, they’re very wrong,” is his state of mind. The rest of the strategy concerns the political fate of the minister and the undersecretary. “Santanché and Delmastro do not touch each other,” is the stable order that the premier gave to her. If the oppositions had kept the tone lower, Giorgia Meloni would also have continued the reasoning according to which “we cannot hold up this dripping on Daniela for the whole summer”. And perhaps she would have asked Ignazio La Russa to advise her protégé to step back.

Now the film is another. The suggestion of the government reshuffle seems to have already faded and the full ministers of Tourism appear out of fashion. “Even if the conclusion of the investigations were to arrive, nothing will change – predicts a government official speaking with the premier -, Daniela Santanché will remain in her place. Certainly Giorgia does not give up the Minister of Tourism at a time when they are attacking her to hit her. You cannot let your guard down, otherwise you will become vulnerable”.

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