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“The next G7 in Puglia”

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ROME – Preparing to return to Italy early to follow firsthand the emergency due to the floods that are putting a strain on Emilia-Romagna’s capacity to resist, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni revealed from Hiroshima, where she is the G7 is underway, that the next summit, led by Italy, scheduled for 2024, will be held in Puglia.

The premier explained in a press conference convened necessarily in advance that she had illustrated Italy’s ideas to the Japanese prime minister Fumio Kishida on the next forum that brings together Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. And she added that she had communicated that the summit would be held “reasonably in mid-June”. You are awaiting the definition of the date for the European elections, which should be 9 and 10 June. Then the organizational machine will get going.

“In a summit in which the southern hemisphere will be central, we will bring the greats of the earth to southern Italy”, said the premier. “And we chose Puglia because, from this point of view, it has a symbolic meaning, linked to its geographical position. Puglia over the centuries has served as a bridge between West and East”. At the moment, but it is completely obvious, it is still to be established which precise location will have the task of hosting the great ones of the Earth.

The president of the Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano, was informed of the decision via a telephone call from the premier herself “a few minutes before the announcement at the press conference”. “I was able to thank you for the great recognition that the Italian government has given us all with this choice”, Emiliano wanted to underline. “An extraordinary recognition – he continued – of the work that Puglia has carried out with reference to the dialogue between East and West, in permanent connection with Pope Francis, and of our ability to welcome all the peoples of the world. We will commit ourselves with all our energies – he concluded – to make Italy look good”.

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