Home » The obligation of 42 days between one vaccine and the next falls. And hard punch against the no-vax health personnel – News

The obligation of 42 days between one vaccine and the next falls. And hard punch against the no-vax health personnel – News

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TRENTO. After two months of intense discussion, Trentino is preparing to take a half step back: the 42-day postponement between one dose and another will no longer be mandatory. The time frame will become a personal choice, in the sense that each person – if they wish – can access the Cup and with a few clicks anticipate the date of administration of the second dose, obviously remaining at least 21 days in the case of Pfizer (and we know that more than 2 out of 3 from Trentino received that vaccine).

A decision born of logic: as written on the Adige last week – in fact -, if it could have been logical to postpone it in April in order to protect a larger audience in a short time, now the situation is different. And for many people it could also represent an additional incentive to get vaccinated, being able to calculate the administration times even in terms of holidays.

But it is not only “tourist” motivations that push the “Health Authority to change protocols.” The second dose is the decisive one for protection, even on the Delta variant and on others that could arrive: therefore being protected completely first could be important in this phase of the vaccination campaign », underlined Dr. Ferro.

There is still no exact date for the start of this novelty, but the councilor Segnana and Dr. Ferro visited the GPI company to define the technical and IT steps of the issue. Probably within a few days the people of Trentino will be able to access and change the date.

Hard punch with no-vax sanitary ware. The Healthcare Company is ready for a hard punch. And there is the ultimatum. There are about two thousand health workers – doctors, nurses and oss ​​- who have not yet been vaccinated. And after months respecting to the letter the procedure desired by the government, focusing above all on persuasion, now the times are defined.

The first thousand letters went out to the approximately one thousand who never responded to requests, let’s say to the “hardest and purest” (the other thousand will leave in a few days to those who answered but did not get vaccinated anyway). «We are following the legislation to the letter – explained the medical director Antonio Ferro – and now we have sent a peremptory notice, with an invitation containing the date and time of the vaccination. I don’t like getting to this but now we have to intervene. And now we know that all the appeals made around Italy have been lost and this gives us greater “tranquility” from a legal and bureaucratic point of view ».

Within a few weeks, therefore, if the no vaxes remain such and do not show up for appointments, the first suspensions will start. However, according to Ferro, they are not likely to lead to the closure of departments or RSA. «I would say no, there are no such risks. I expect between two hundred and three hundred no vax “convinced” about nine thousand health workers. But let us be clear right away: not getting vaccinated will not become an excuse to be demoted and work less ».

In the meantime, in Bolzano we have already reached the “last phase” for a couple of days. In fact, the South Tyrolean health authority yesterday suspended another 38 unvaccinated health workers, in addition to 115 on Wednesday. During the day, the findings of non-compliance with the vaccination obligation were notified. For the moment they cannot be presented at the workplace, and within a few days, the possibility of demotion or smartworking will be verified. In the event of a negative outcome, the suspension will have retroactive effect, from the day of notification of the assessment.In the meantime, a group of health workers suspended from the service for non-compliance with the vaccination obligation set by the Draghi decree of 1 April 2021 protested in front of the hospital of Bolzano against the measure taken against them by the ASL.

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