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the perfect all-natural combination

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the perfect all-natural combination

From nature we get precious help for the immune system. Perhaps not everyone knows that two spices together create a very powerful mix.

Many foods and as many elements that come from nature they undoubtedly have something good to offer us. If we then understand how mixarlithe beneficial effect increases.


It is the case, as we know, of combinations of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Let’s think for example of Vitamins C and D which almost go hand in hand. It is no coincidence that the food supplements contemplate in the formulations the elements necessary for complete absorption by the body. As well as the maximization of positive effects.

You don’t need to be a pharmacist, though, to know for example that our simple herbs are good for us. Let’s think of sage, basil or chilli, just to name a few. There Science has been studying it for years i mechanisms on the human body, and the results are always interesting. Even if they are not to be taken as granite truths, of course. Because each person is a unique case e what is good for one subject may not work for another.

Today we focus on a “recipe” that perhaps few people know. Among the many aids for reinforce the defenses we can tap into two “simple” spices that we have in the house. Here’s what they are.

2 very common spices are enough and you get a ‘bomb’ for the immune system: it is the perfect combination

Call her good food he will certainly have the main spices at home: chilli, oregano, pepper, and maybe even some paprika, nutmeg or turmeric. Here she is curcuma in addition to giving a very particular flavor to the dishes she is known for her beneficial effects. Of course, science and medicine always “quarrel” a little when it comes to attaching beneficial “powers” to some substance.

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And maybe that’s right, also because we will never have inviolable certainties. And also because people tend, at times, to overestimate the benefits of a food / medicine / remedy.

So we must always take the news that comes to us with the right consistency. But if we want to try to feel good, resorting to spices should not give contraindications, as it can happen with supplements. Or rather, with an incorrect use of certain preparations.

We then discover the combination of spices that improves our immune defenses. Let’s talk about turmeric and pepe. Taken alone, they flavor our dishes. But together, they emphasize the benefits of each other. According to some researches it is thanks to the piperine: it is a well-known alkaloidpresent in black pepper. It would be able to increase of at least 20 times properties of turmeric. That is those anti-inflammatory, antioxidants and pain relievers associated with this spice.

Trying basically costs nothing. Let’s prepare our dish and enrich it with turmeric and pepper. If we have already consumed these spices for sure we will not have any side effects. Instead, as we always remember, before integrating a new food or substance into your diet it is always best to consult your doctor. Or a pharmacist, or a nutritionist.

Surely our palate will enjoy it, and who knows that our health will not improve too. It sure is it is always better to flavor preparations with spices rather than with salt alone. In fact, although essential for well-being, this element can cause damage to health, above all if used in excess.

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We remember that salt is “dangerous” especially because present in many foods we consume, and perhaps we are unaware of it. Attention to what we put on the table will certainly help the body to be stronger, regardless of the mix of turmeric and pepper.

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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and concerns scientific studies or publications in medical journals. Therefore, it does not replace the consultation of a doctor or specialist, and should not be considered for formulating treatments or diagnoses)

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