Home » The Rise of Nursing: Most In-Demand Degree in Spain in 2022

The Rise of Nursing: Most In-Demand Degree in Spain in 2022

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The Rise of Nursing: Most In-Demand Degree in Spain in 2022

Title: Nursing Tops the List of Most In-Demand Degrees in Spain in 2022

The evolution of the health crisis has had a significant impact on the demand for degrees by companies throughout 2022. According to the Infoempleo Adecco 2022 Report: Job offer and demand in Spain, Nursing has emerged as the most in-demand degree for university students, accounting for 10.78% of the total offers. This marks the first time Nursing has claimed the top spot, moving ahead of Medicine.

Last year, Medicine held the leading position in demand in Spain, but it has now slipped to second place with 10.52% of the offers, experiencing a decline of 2.8 points over the past year. This shift reflects the normalization of the healthcare situation at the employment level as the worst of the pandemic subsides.

Education and Pedagogy degrees have climbed to the third position with 9.80% of the offers. They have witnessed significant growth within the ranking, with an increase of 7.85 percentage points. This rise has displaced Administration and Business Management, which continues to decline but maintains a stable contribution to the offer, accounting for 5.26%.

The report also highlights the degrees with the most job opportunities. The double degree in Business Administration and Law holds the fourth position, with 4.92% of the offers. Computer Engineering degrees are next with 3.76% of the offers, maintaining their position while gaining 0.36 points. Psychology degrees have experienced a substantial increase of 0.74 points, pushing them up two positions to represent 2.70% of the offers.

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The Industrial Engineering degree, with 2.50% of the offers, witnessed the third deepest drop, losing three positions and one percentage point. Physiotherapy follows closely, accounting for 2.31% of the offers, with a decline of 0.11 points. Closing the top 10 is Telecommunications Engineering, representing 1.63% of the offers and experiencing a gain of 0.43 points.

The shifting demand for degrees reflects the changing needs and priorities in Spain’s labor market as the economy stabilizes. The increase in demand for Nursing and Education degrees signals a greater focus on healthcare and pedagogy, while the decline in Medicine suggests a perceived balancing of healthcare services.

These findings provide valuable insights for students deciding on their future career paths and highlight the evolving landscape of job opportunities in Spain.

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