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the scary backstory behind this much acclaimed product!

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the scary backstory behind this much acclaimed product!

By now everyone has seen or knows someone who uses the sweetener every day to not use sugar or to follow a diet, but be careful because what is behind it could really make you change your mind about its use.

Usually when you decide to take a healthy and low-calorie diet, you decide to minimize sodium, that is, the common salt and sugar. But sweeteners are truly a godsend or procure danni to the metabolism and are they harmful?

You may have used it a thousand times without knowing what it can do. -Tuttogratis.it. (Source: Canva)

There are many on the web dispute on this topic, in fact, various medical experts reassure those who usually take natural sweeteners, but there are also those who say with certainty that even if the sweetener has fewer calories than the classic sugar, it does nothing but aggravate the health and in the long run the consequences really are catastrophic! Did you know that even microwaves can be really dangerous? Here’s how to use it without causing harm to health.

Are sweeteners really bad? Here’s everything you should know to safeguard your health!

A small tablet that can have huge consequences. -Tuttogratis.it. (Source: Canva)

Artificial sweeteners or also defined as low-calorie, sugar-free or non-nutritive sweeteners are simply gods food additives which are inserted into foods and are usually found in the form of a tablet or clear liquid solution.

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However, they are much sweeter than the usual usual sugar due to the high quantity of sucrose inside them. Unfortunately, however, these substances find it hard to be cleared by the metabolism causing significant consequences on weight, blood sugar, altering the perception of flavors and an increase in insulin in the blood.

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In fact, according to some scientific studies, it seems that whoever hires regularly sweeteners artificial since childhood, may develop a different perception of taste as an adult, thus going to prefer very sweet foods compared to normal.

Other university studies instead argue that there is a close negative correlation between sweeteners e cardiovascular pathologies, type II diabetes, increased appetite, but also heart attacks, ischemia and premature births and anxiety states in the fetus in women.

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The best advice we can offer you is to consult yours doctor, in order to evaluate together if replacing the sugar using the sweetener could really be the right solution. Did you know what the tomato can do to your body? You won’t believe your eyes.

This article is not intended to replace a doctor’s opinion. It is advisable to go to your doctor to inform him of your state of health. Tuttogratis.it assumes no responsibility.

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