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The Unfortunate Birthday Dinner: A Lesson in Choosing the Right Restaurant and Understanding Your Partner’s Preferences

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The Unfortunate Birthday Dinner: A Lesson in Choosing the Right Restaurant and Understanding Your Partner’s Preferences

Title: Couple’s Birthday Celebration Turns Into a Nightmarish Dinner

Subtitle: Boyfriend’s Expensive Steak Order Sparks Furious Reaction from Girlfriend

Date: [insert date]

Location: [insert location]

The choice to celebrate one’s birthday in a club is not always the right and wise choice. This couple’s story just goes to show that, sometimes, the best choice is to opt for something more intimate. The girlfriend wanted to offer dinner to the celebrated boyfriend but something went very wrong.

Have you ever tried to dine away from home on your birthday? If you want to experience a local, maybe it’s best to avoid the day you want to celebrate someone or something; you can risk having bad memories for life. In fact, the restaurant could hold more than one nasty surprise. Furthermore, we also have to deal with another unknown, the one relating to the company. Disagreements can arise between the guests that can completely ruin your party or that of your friends.

Hence, it is recommended to avoid inviting people you don’t have a great relationship with to your birthday or that – we know – can give rise to discussions. The story we are going to tell you today is unbelievable. In fact, the protagonist is a woman who wanted to give her boyfriend a very special gift: take him out to dinner in a nice ristorante and pay for his dinner. A very nice gesture, but unfortunately her boyfriend didn’t even have time to enjoy it. Here’s what happened to this somewhat unique couple.

She would have liked to offer dinner but something goes wrong

He wanted to make a nice gesture; the protagonist of this story, but everything turned out to be useless. We’re talking about what happened to a couple of guys who simply wanted to celebrate a birthday in a nice and romantic way. Very often, couples opt for romantic dinners on special occasions.

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Unfortunately, not always dining out can make the moment more magical. In this case, in fact, it only served to make it memorable – unfortunately in a negative sense – the event for both boys. Even the restaurateur can’t help but remember it for a long time because what happened is really very unique.

It should have been a gift from the girl. Unfortunately, however, one thing in particular meant that a special evening turned into a bad nightmare.

Suddenly, in fact, the girl got up and went away. Before her though, she paid the bill. She would have liked to offer her boyfriend dinner but something about her prompted her to pay the bill just for herself, leaving that of her boyfriend open. But what happened so absurd and unforgivable?

Choice of boyfriend? An affront

It was precisely the choice of the boyfriend about the dish he wanted to be served during this dinner that unleashed the ire of the girlfriend which – let us remember – should have been a gift for his birthday. In fact, the boy dared to order something that made his girlfriend very angry.

When you get engaged to a person you can’t know everything about them: tastes, passions, preferences of various kinds. And that’s exactly why events like the one we’re telling you about can happen. Not getting to know each other enough can lead to various damages.

This poor boy cost a very bad impression in a place he will certainly never return to. During dinner, the girl ate only a simple salad, so she paid very little for her part.

But the choice of the protagonist was by no means accidental. In fact, the sweet girlfriend chose the salad because she was a vegetarian. However, when she noticed that her boyfriend ordered the most expensive steak in the place, she was literally furious. The girl felt ignored, exploited, and humiliated.

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The boy’s reaction

For his part, the birthday boy was speechless in front of the reaction of girlfriend that he was completely unexpected and perhaps even a little exaggerated in his way of seeing things. Only when he was seen alone at the table, after dinner, did he realize that his fiancée had already left alone. But the bitterest surprise came when he discovered that there was his bill to settle.

His share was far from small. Having ordered a very expensive steak, he would have had to pay a rather high amount. The boyfriend, John, according to what was declared by the same protagonist of this story of “revenge,” he never tolerated the fact that she was a vegetarian. Or rather, John never respected her. Ordering a steak was a very serious form of disrespect. On top of that, he also took advantage of the fact that she was offered to order the more expensive one!

The girl also rigorously underlined that she did not regret having left him there on his birthday alone and with a decidedly high bill to pay. This history has taught him to be less selfish? His fiancée (it is not yet clear whether the two continue to be together after the unfortunate episode) does not know if she has learned anything from all this but doing it has allowed her to avoid giving up her way of being to respect herself rather than letting things go just so they don’t spoil the party.

Quite a memorable way to celebrate a birthday! Maybe, in the future, John will avoid ordering something expensive when he’s not sure if dinner will be offered to him. Unfortunately, not everyone has the sensitivity to avoid offending the sensibilities of others. If it is the person you love, however, everything should be easier … almost natural.

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