Home » Theater of proposals to help the well being service with out provision

Theater of proposals to help the well being service with out provision

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Theater of proposals to help the well being service with out provision

In the Senate and House periods, the agenda is the invoice respectively 935 (Amendments to articles 59, 88, 92 and 94 of the Constitution for the direct election of the President of the Council of Ministers, the strengthening of stability within the Government and the abolition of the appointment of senators for all times by the President of the Republic), and the invoice 1665(Provisions for the implementation of the separate self-government of the Regions by atypical regulation in accordance with part 116, part three, of the Constitution) permitted by the Senate.

I recommend you learn the textual content of the invoice 1741ddl 503ddl 1533ddl 1545ddl. 1608ddl. 1626ddl 1712and many others 1846ddl 1850ddl 1865containing “Provisions for the monetary help of the National Health Service within the implementation of the rules of universality, fairness and equity”.

They are the legal guidelines proposed by the Democratic Party, 5 Star Movement, Action, Green Alliance and Left, by the regional councils of Piedmont, Marche, Tuscany, Puglia and Emilia Romagna. If we scroll via the articles we discover the identical aims introduced roughly: sufficient protection of the final nationwide requirement wherein the State contributes equal to 7% of nominal GDP, which will probably be referred to the Def to succeed in 20 billion in 2028. ; discount of ready lists, measures in favor of employees working in emergency rooms, reinforcement of medical and nursing employees, native help…

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Well, how are you going to disagree! From the expertise of the parliament I’ll learn the final article, that in each invoice that should present funds with out which the regulation is not going to be accepted. Almost as a duplicate, one can find the monetary inclusion proven within the final title of the money owed.

And you stay silent, I’ll write to you in full: «In instances present in article 1 (monetary help and many others) we’ll use the massive sources accessible for the financial development that Def. If the anticipated development of this system doesn’t assure the required sources to financially implement this regulation… extra methods and means to fight tax evasion and social safety and evasion will probably be recognized and carried out”.

Put the phrases straight and clear: if so, there aren’t any objects accessible because the Public Finance Office has already introduced! What is the purpose of writing legal guidelines, particularly for well being care, a topic of constitutional worth, in case you can not make a practical and achievable proposal? Are these simply adverts?

Below are the payments held by the Commissions, damaged down by space.

Nature and setting

  • ddl 276ddl 396 in ddl 1054 (Provisions for the event and highlighting of hilly areas).
  • ddl 948 (Amendments to the draft regulation on protected areas).
  • ddl 658 (Italy’s capital of sustainable journey).
  • ddl 1632ddl 589ddl 647​ (Framework regulation in post-disaster reconstruction).
  • International
  • ddl 1020 (Amendments to regulation quantity 145/2016 on Italian participation in worldwide actions).
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School and friendship

  • ddl 404 (Capture or detention, together with overseas, of kids or individuals unable to work).
  • ddl 492 (Music preschools).

Health care and well being

  • ddl 475 (Regulations on combating surrogacy).
  • ddl 1037 (Mototherapy), permitted by the Chamber.
  • ddl 227 in ddl 726 (Territorial medication).
  • ddl 483 (Protection of individuals affected by continual eye illnesses).
  • ddl 623 (Celiac illness).
  • ddl 990 (Provisions referring to the prevention and therapy of consuming issues).
  • ddl 734938 (Provisions concerning the safety of psychological well being).
  • ddl 898122269410 (Protection of individuals affected by epilepsy).
  • ddl 433ddl 555​ (Amendment of part 19 of the regulation of 23 December 1978, n. 833, and different provisions associated to the well being care of homeless folks).

Institutional information

  • ddl 1086 (Traffic Code), permitted by the Chamber.
  • ddl 787 (Exercise of the precise to vote in a municipality in a district aside from that of residence), permitted by the Council.
  • ddl 57ddl 203ddl 313ddl 367ddl 417ddl 443ddl 459ddl 490 in ddl 556 (Provisions concerning the direct election of provincial presidents, mayors of main cities and mayors).

Social and Third Sector

  • ddl 1097 (Third sector), permitted by the Council.
  • ddl 1133 (Declaration of Law No. 60/2024 – solidarity insurance policies).
  • ddl 314 (Sharing of presidency bills to small communities or establishments).
  • ddl 837 (Construction of public housing).
  • ddl 1049 (A proposal to advertise tasks that have an effect on the group within the space).
  • ddl 997ddl 1269ddl 1463ddl 1490​ (provisions concerning accessible journey and the participation of individuals with disabilities in cultural, vacationer and leisure actions).
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  • ddl 413 (Production and sale of bread).
  • ddl 507 (In selling the reminiscence of prisons, prisoners and focus camps in Italy).
  • ddl 568 (Promoting and defending dance).
  • ddl 939 (Development of Medieval Benedictine abbeys and settlements).
  • ddl 970 (Rules for online game contests).
  • ddl 279 in ddl 503 (Support for music organizations nonetheless studying).
  • ddl 1536(Introduction to article 23-bis of the regulation 5 February 1992, n. 104, concerning the participation of individuals with disabilities in public exhibitions or leisure or sports activities occasions).


  • ddl 672 (Simplification of labor and social legal guidelines).
  • ddl 816 (First tax break), permitted by the Council.
  • ddl 647739 (Employment of individuals with autism spectrum invoice 142ddl 1000ddl 1505(provisions to encourage discount of working hours).

    Photo: Pexels

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