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There are 4 daily habits that could increase the risk of cancer

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There are 4 daily habits that could increase the risk of cancer

Doctors agree that some bad daily habits can have health consequences.

Instead, many agree that exercise, healthy nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are attitudes that can prevent many diseases.


We often put commitments and other activities first and it’s easy to neglect your health by ā€œfeedingā€ potentially dangerous habits. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) agrees that there are some risk factors related to smoking, alcohol consumption, poor nutrition, overweight. Negative habits that would increase the risk of cancer by 30 or 40 percent.

Here are 4 daily habits that could increase your cancer risk

The first bad habit is not to use adequate sunscreen. Be careful, however, because it should not only be used in summer but always. This is because even in winter the sun’s rays, even if not intense with the summer, can be very dangerous.

Also, while sunbathing is useful for getting vitamin D, overdoing it can be very dangerous because it could lead to different types of skin cancer. This is the most common cancer in the United States and it is estimated that 20% of Americans will get it in their lifetime.

According to experts, not using sunscreen, with a factor of at least 30, or wearing a hat, a shirt would increase the risk of cancer later in life.

Among other things, exposure to UV rays causes premature aging and other skin damage, such as skin spots, as well as cancer.

The second bad habit is taking too many supplements. While they can be useful if you are following a healthy diet, this habit could be bad for you in the long run. A study would have shown that taking more than 2000 milligrams of calcium daily would increase the risk of prostate cancer. The study is published inAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

The third and fourth bad habit

The use of tobacco is the third bad habit. Everyone knows that smoking increases the risk of lung cancer. But this habit is also linked to other types of cancer: trachea, esophagus, mouth, urinary system, kidneys, liver, stomach, pancreas. It seems that the risk of leukemia would also increase.

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The research carried out speaks of any form of tobacco, both what you smoke and what you chew. Furthermore, other studies have shown that the ingredients found in cigarettes weaken the immune system making it difficult to kill cancer cells.

Finally, the fourth bad habit is the use of alcohol. Drinking too much alcohol is especially bad if it becomes a daily habit. Alcohol could increase the risk of mouth, throat and stomach cancers. Among other things, some research has found an association between alcohol abuse and increased risk of liver or breast cancer.

According to National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) Women should drink no more than 3 drinks per day and no more than 7 drinks per week. Men, on the other hand, should drink no more than 4 drinks per day, however, no more than 14 drinks per week.

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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and concerns scientific studies published in medical journals. Therefore, it does not replace the consultation of a doctor or specialist, and should not be considered for formulating treatments or diagnoses)

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