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These are the most common mistakes dieters make: you’ll never lose weight like this!

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These are the most common mistakes dieters make: you’ll never lose weight like this!
Dieta – Street Food News

Many people who go on a diet make serious mistakes that do not lose weight. Let’s see which ones are the most common.

Summer is just around the corner and for months there have been many people who have started strict diets to get back in shape or lose weight. Going on a diet isn’t easy it requires many sacrificesSometimes the results, however, take a long time to wait.

The main reason you lose weight slowly could be because mistakes are made and habits are wrong which is commonly believed to be right for losing weight but which in reality give the opposite effect.

There are many popular beliefs about weight loss and dietsmany people make sacrifices which however lead nowhere and indeed, can be harmful to health and physical well-being. There are common mistakes that you absolutely must avoid in order to lose weight and feel good.

Among the many mistakes there is that of eliminate foods containing carbohydratesthese are useful to the body, they give energy and if replaced with fatty foods or proteins, as is usually done in these cases, different kinds of problems are encountered and he definitely won’t lose weight. Let’s see what are the most common mistakes made during diets.

Common mistakes when dieting

Among the mistakes people make when they decide to go on a diet is that of remove the pasteit is believed that this, especially at dinner, makes you fat. Pasta doesn’t make you fat but the ingredients with which it is seasoned doespecially sauces and cheeses.

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Another very common mistake is to eliminate traditional sugar by replacing it with cane sugarin reality the latter is no more dietary than the white one, both have 4 calories per gram, therefore there is no difference between one and the other.

Dieta – Street Food News

Diet: other mistakes

A very serious mistake that so many people make is to fasting, eating little and “going hungry”, this does not help to lose weight, what makes it possible is a balanced diet and not skipping meals. Another mistake is to drink fruit juices and sugary sodas during diets, these do not make you lose weight and are substances that are not useful to the body.

Among other errors we find too much use of oilcontains fat and you need to use a moderate amount of it if you want to lose weight, the same goes for fruitThis is also a mistake that many people make. This is good but you shouldn’t eat too much of itis a source of sugar and if you eat too much it turns into fat.

Finally, the last mistake not to make is eat low-fat yogurtit is a modern and trendy habit that though it actually has a lot of sugarsmore than those contained in the natural one.

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