Home Ā» They 3D printed the meat and even tasted it – that’s what it’s like!

They 3D printed the meat and even tasted it – that’s what it’s like!

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They 3D printed the meat and even tasted it – that’s what it’s like!
Carne-3D (Instagram)

Did you know that it is now possible to 3D print meat? What you may not expect is that it’s also delicious.

In this world full of inventions, everything seems to be possible. One of the recent discoveries that has shocked people the most is to meat in 3D. After tasting it, several people have even sworn that it is delicious. But let’s see in detail how it is possible that such a thing exists and what it actually is its flavor.

For us Italians, meat is a fundamental second course during our day. In addition to being rich in nutrientsits flavor is always special.

Tagliata, filet, steak, carpaccio and so on and so forth. When you go to the supermarket it seems to have become impossible choose the right slice of meat to satiate one’s appetite. A world surely detested by vegans who, even when they are at the restaurant, they always have limited choice. Just to please everyone, new technologies have invented a completely vegan cutmade with the 3D printer.

A really hallucinatory thing that, however, seems to be an excellent solution for those who do not want to eat meat but he loves the taste.

How 3D meat is made

The not-so-meat meat is made artificially from the 3D printer. Seen from the outside it looks practically identical to that of animal origin, but it is not. The machine in question meticulously reproduces every part of the flab: blood, muscle and fat. It then adds vegetable proteins whose taste can remind us of what we are used to when we eat un bellā€™hamburger.

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The structure of the meat is therefore reproduced as it is, so much so that at first impact the printed plant based cut and the original one may look identical.

Tagliata (Streetfoodnews)

How is the taste of meat made by a machine

The truly absurd thing is that many people have decided to taste it and, against all expectations, the taste is really good.

This because the consistency greatly deceives our palate and it doesn’t let us notice the actual difference. The slices are crunchy on the outside and slightly more elastic in the centre. The first thing you think when you go to taste them is: I’ve never tasted this flavor in my life.

Some compare the sweet aftertaste of 3D meat to that of Simmenthal in box. The fact is that accompanied with rocket and cherry tomatoes it is delicious and absolutely does not feel like eating something artificial.

It is definitely about an invention of the futurewhich could soon become a typical dish of our kitchens.

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