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they affect one out of a hundred newborns but are treatable – breaking latest news

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Of Clare Bidoli

They are among the most common malformations in newborns and, in some cases, they can be prevented by adopting a correct lifestyle even before pregnancy

One out of every hundred newborns in our country is affected by congenital heart disease, or by an anomaly of the heart or of the great vessels. It’s about the 40% of malformations affecting newborns and, even in the most serious forms (affecting one case out of a thousand), if promptly diagnosed, the results can be optimal and heart disease resolved definitively. On the occasion of World Congenital Heart Daywhich is celebrated on February 14, the Italian Society of Neonatology (SIN) together with the Italian Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Diseases (SICP), they recall the importance of preventionwhich must start as soon as you want a child by assessing your lifestyle and medical history so that any risk factors can be identified.

The cause

Like all malformations, congenital heart disease depends on various factors, from genetic to environmental. «Compared to other malformations, the genetic component is not exclusive but we know that it is one of the aspects to be evaluated. C
There are families in which these types of pathologies are recurrent and for which prevention is crucial“, explains Silvia Favillihead of the Adult Congenital Cardiology Unit of the Meyer Pediatric Hospital in Florence and president of the Italian Society of Pediatric Cardiology and Congenital Heart Diseases.

«Then there are important environmental factors, we know for example that some drugs or substances taken during pregnancy can be toxic and therefore favor the formation of these malformations. It is important, therefore, pay close attention to what you take during the nine months and, in case of doubts, always consult with your gynecologist. Also some infectious diseases contracted during pregnancysuch as rubella, for example, can increase the risks development of some congenital heart disease. For this reason, the vaccinations recommended during pregnancy, including those against infectious diseases, are essential, as well as safe », points out the specialist.

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Among the main prevention measures, capable of significantly reducing the risk of the onset of congenital manifestations, there is thefolic acid
to be taken through a targeted diet at least three months before planning a baby. Equally crucial, always from a preventive point of view, is lifestyle during the nine months which must be able to contemplate regular physical movement, the absolute prohibition of smoking and alcohol, as well as that of medicines, with the exception of those authorized by the doctor. “We also know that metabolic diseasessuch as diabetes for example, a
they increase the risk of fetal heart disease. In general, correct daily habits and the control and correction, where possible, of possibly pre-existing pathologies are the best weapon against the risk of these malformations. These are measures that, for the most part, must be put in place even before starting a pregnancy, as soon as you start thinking about a child, a period in which it is worth evaluating the general state of health of the expectant mother and her possible familiarity with these pathologies. This is the only way to act promptly in case of need», concludes Favilli.

Critical congenital heart disease

In the presence of complex cases, such as those due to a genetic predisposition, acting promptly with targeted treatments allows, even for the most critical forms, to reduce the risks and improve the quality of life of the unborn child. «More than 90-95% of patients with heart disease, including very severe ones, survive to childhooda truly unthinkable result just a few decades ago,” says the cardiologist.

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«And this is thanks to check-ups, which also include obstetric ultrasounds and possibly fetal echocardiographies, not only when the obstetrician finds something wrong, but also in the event of risk factors such as, for example, maternal illnesses or the use of potentially dangerous drugs . An early diagnosis it also allows you to be followed in specialized centres and planning delivery where pediatric interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery are present. In summary, primary and secondary prevention are crucial for the health of the unborn child. By primary we mean a woman who, even before starting a pregnancy, performs all the control tests, abandons bad habits – among all smoking -, monitors her weight, does sport; with secondary we mean that if there was a pathology or a greater risk of developing it, being able to count on one early diagnosis and appropriate therapies makes the difference», concludes Favilli.

Specialized centres

The crucial key elements in the fight against congenital heart disease are prevention, timely treatment in the event of problems and a widespread distribution of specialized centres, ready to welcome and guide families at risk and those with pathologies. «In recent years, great strides have been made in the field of congenital heart disease. through some methodsextremely advanced, such as fetal echocardiography, in fact, it is possible to diagnose almost all congenital heart defects“, he claims Louis Orpheus, President of the Italian Society of Neonatology (SIN). «It is the responsibility of us neonatologists to ensure promptness in postnatal diagnosis and in the therapeutic process. However, this is not always possible, since there are still territorial differences. We therefore hope for a more uniform distribution of structures equipped with pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery, so as to significantly reduce mortality and morbidity for these neonatal emergencies”, concludes Orfeo.

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February 14, 2023 (change February 14, 2023 | 12:00)

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