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They are natural anti-inflammatories, they should never be missing from the table

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They are natural anti-inflammatories, they should never be missing from the table

Keep these natural anti-inflammatories in mind and try to never miss them on your table, to safeguard your health.

Every day we bring to our tables the most varied and creative dishes, sometimes very colorful and lightothers simply more appetizing on the palate, indulging our tastes on a daily basis.

What are the natural anti-inflammatories that cannot be missing at the table? (IlGranata.it)

Usually we try to prefer healthier foods that can contain beneficial properties for the body. It is also true, however, that every now and then the body sends out signals of request regarding the assumption of some whim, a typical example is thehamburger with fries. Of course you don’t want to instigate to junk food since it doesn’t have to constitute a habit and a lifestyle but it is undeniable that every now and then it is needed.

During our sumptuous meals we often do not realize that “we are what we eatā€ as the philosopher Feuerbach said. In fact, the food taken could often worsen health conditions, depending on our predisposition but also do good. In this regard, the wide culinary range offers some natural anti-inflammatories that should never be missing in the pantry.

Natural anti-inflammatories, make sure you have them in the pantry!

Every food has its properties, especially fruit and vegetables. From the most powerful antioxidants to those rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, kiwis, tomatoes and peppers. Nature also gives us precious natural anti-inflammatories, to always have at home, as a spare.

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In the meantime, let’s clarify things a bit. Let it be said inflammation that response process of our body in order to fight the perceived intruder, thus denying its negative meaning. But it could become so when it becomes more acute because the body is unable to restore balance.

So how do you prevent inflammation from becoming chronic? Simple, just add foods that neutralize it to your diet, as stated by Zhaoping Li, neuroscientist, teacher and Head of the Clinical Nutrition Division at the UCLA (University of California Los Angeles ndr).

In fact, these properties are found for example in fruit and vegetables such as the berries or green leafy vegetableseg kale, spinach and broccoli but did you even know that the salmonthanks to the presence of Omega-3 is it a powerful anti-inflammatory? Tasted naturally with the addition of a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and the lemon will unleash all its benefits.

salmon and pistachios as natural anti-inflammatories
Salmon and pistachios, some of the natural anti-inflammatories to have in the pantry (IlGranata.it)

Good news for lovers of dried fruit because too almonds and pistachios have an anti-inflammatory action. Especially with regard to the latter, the effects added to the bread dough compared to a refined type have been studied, thanks to a research published in The British Journal of Nutrition a few years ago, concluding how well they kept their blood sugar under control.

So, in the light of what has emerged, don’t forget to stock up on these healthy delicacies that help our body react and feel better in order to get back in shape.

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