Home » They even keep you young! These are the five healthiest spices in the world

They even keep you young! These are the five healthiest spices in the world

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They even keep you young!  These are the five healthiest spices in the world

Most people pull their favorite spices out of the kitchen cupboard just because of the good taste. We tell you which five really healthy spices you should eat regularly.

Bland food – for many people this is a culinary nightmare. The solution: strong seasoning. This is not only possible with the salt and pepper mill, but also with many other, more exotic spices.

In addition to pepper and salt, it is worthwhile to use untypical spices from time to time. Because this way you can do something good for your health in addition to the culinary experience. The body will thank you in the long run.

Turmeric – keeps you young

The bright orange spice is a true all-rounder when it comes to health. Thanks to its five essential oils, turmeric has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and promotes digestion. The spice also has an anti-inflammatory effect due to the coloring agent curcumin.

But turmeric does not only work wonders internally. Age wrinkles are also combated by the antioxidants contained in turmeric. Free radicals are destroyed and cell renewal is accelerated.

Cinnamon – helps with weight loss

In any case, you should always mix a good pinch of cinnamon into your morning muesli. The brown powder is one of the warming spices that simply cause warming in the body. Otherwise, our organism has to produce it first by means of energy and thus also calories.

Peppermint – Provides relief from abdominal pain

Are you suffering from abdominal pain? A cup of peppermint tea can provide quick relief. The menthol contained in the plant has an antispasmodic, pain-relieving and calming effect due to its bitter substances.

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Those who suffer from nausea should not drink more than two cups a day. Otherwise, the menthol it contains irritates the gastric mucosa unnecessarily.

Garlic – strengthens the immune system

Regular consumption of the strongly scented tuber strengthens the immune system and thus prevents colds. On the other hand, it promotes blood circulation and healthy digestion.

When preparing it, however, care should be taken not to fry the garlic too much. Otherwise, it will become bitter and lose its healthy components.

Oregano – popular in Mediterranean cuisine

The spice, which is mainly known from Mediterranean cuisine, is often referred to in medicine as a natural antibiotic. Rightly so, because oregano acts as a fungicide. This means that fungi and spores develop less quickly and are even killed in harmless cases. The herb is also antibacterial and antiviral

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