Home » They have anti-aging properties and treat a multitude of pathologies, all you need to know about CordycepsMilleUnaDONNA mushrooms

They have anti-aging properties and treat a multitude of pathologies, all you need to know about CordycepsMilleUnaDONNA mushrooms

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They have anti-aging properties and treat a multitude of pathologies, all you need to know about CordycepsMilleUnaDONNA mushrooms

Il cordyceps is a parasitic mushroom, which has become even more famous thanks to the television series The Last of Us, which does not infect humans but insects, such as ants and other invertebrates. It can grow both indoors and cordyceps of the host’s body, leading to its death. There is a type of cordyceps that specifically infects bullet ants (Paraponera clavata), and other varieties that prefer moth caterpillars, as well as flies and wasps. Despite the imaginative storytelling of the series signed by HBO, the cordyceps, sometimes called caterpillar mushroom, has been a staple of holistic medicine for centuries. Among the best known properties are the anti-ageing ones, and a series of health benefits.

In recent years, research on this extraordinary mushroom has led to incredible discoveries. The cordyceps it can in fact be an extraordinary food supplement, capable of improving athletic performance while simultaneously promoting heart health. The extracts have been shown to even reduce inflammation. The product is widely available in the market, you don’t need to go looking for it in the woods. It is found in powder form as well as capsules and tablets.

Prized for their natural ability to fight free radicals, infection and inflammation in general, these mushrooms have long been used to reduce the symptoms of respiratory ailments, coughs, colds, liver damage and much more. Like a real “superfood”, the mushroom cordyceps it can slow down the effects of aging and stress, help keep the body free from disease, and boost energy levels.

The ancient shepherds used it to increase the production of milk and to improve the reproductive capacity of the cattle. Subsequently humans also began to consume it, after drying it in the sunlight, so as to obtain benefits of various kinds.

Benefits of the mushroom cordyceps

1. Boosts immune function

Some studies suggest that the consumption of cordyceps promotes immune function and may help optimize the health of the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, and reproductive systems. This is because i cordyceps contain anti-inflammatory compounds such as polysaccharides, modified nucleosides and cyclosporine.

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The hiring of cordyceps it may be especially helpful in treating inflammatory conditions, such as Crohn’s disease, arthritis, leaky gut, and asthma. In fact, an animal model conducted by Chung Shan Medical University Hospital has shown that i cordyceps they were effective at reducing inflammation in the airways of mice, potentially aiding in the treatment of asthma.

2. Slows down aging and promotes mental clarity

I cordyceps they are packed with antioxidants that can help fight free radical damage, prevent oxidative stress, and help slow the signs of aging. While research into the anti-aging effects of this medicinal mushroom is mostly limited to animal studies, research shows it can boost brain function, improve memory, and even extend longevity. A study conducted on an animal model, published in the journal Phytotherapy Research, has shown that taking cordyceps extract increases the activity of antioxidants such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in the blood. Not only that, it also helps to increase brain power and improve sexual function. Similarly, another study conducted on fruit flies significantly extended their life, confirming their powerful anti-aging properties of the fungus.

3. Improve athletic performance

A 2010 study, the results of which were published on the pages of Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicinedemonstrated that supplementation with Cs-4 (Cordyceps sinensis) improved overall physical performance in the elderly. Considered an energizing adaptogen, like maca or cocoa, the cordyceps it is often used to help fight fatigue, treat muscle aches and prevent weakness.

4. Regulate blood sugar levels

Two active constituents of the cordyceps , d-mannitol cordycepin and 3′-deoxyadenosine, are partially responsible for various physiological actions that help control insulin and blood sugar levels. In animal models, supplements of cordyceps they helped fight high blood sugar levels while also reducing insulin levels to protect against insulin resistance.

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5. Supports heart health

Recent research has found a strong link between cordyceps and heart health, with studies showing they could help protect the heart from damage and lower cholesterol levels to prevent coronary heart disease. For example, an animal study published in Acta Pharmacologica Sinicahas shown that the extract of cordyceps helped reduce heart and liver damage in rats with kidney disease.
Additionally, other animal research shows that the cordyceps it could help reduce levels of the bad LDL cholesterol to prevent arteriosclerosis, a condition characterized by the buildup of plaque in the arteries and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Other animal models show that i cordyceps they can also reduce high triglycerides, another major risk factor for heart disease.

6. May help fight cancer cells

Several promising in vitro studies have found that the cordyceps it may possess powerful anticancer properties and can help stop the growth and spread of different types of cancer. In particular, in vitro studies demonstrate that the extract of cordyceps may be effective in reducing the growth of liver, lung, and colorectal cancer cells.
However, the anticancer effects of cordyceps extend beyond stopping the growth of the cancer. Animal studies also show that these medicinal mushrooms could reduce the risk of side effects caused by cancer treatment, including leukopenia, a condition sometimes caused by chemotherapy or radiation that results in a decrease in the amount of white blood cells in the body and a higher risk of infection and disease.

7. Combats stress and supports mental health

Research published in the journal Molecules examined the numerous therapeutic effects of these medicinal mushrooms. What the researchers found is that the cordyceps may act as a nutraceutical that can support mental health by both combating environmental stress and oxidative stress in the body.

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8. Promotes restful sleep

A study conducted in Asia looked at the effects of cordycepin, which occurs naturally in the cordyceps , to see its effects on natural sleep in rats. Researchers have determined that the cordyceps increases sleep in rats by observing non-rapid eye movement.
It’s not all. According to the authors, “this experiment may provide basic evidence that cordycepin may be beneficial for individuals with sleep disorders.”

Nutritional values

The cordyceps mushroom is rich in a wide range of antioxidants, enzymes and vitamins that contribute to its healing effects. Some of the compounds that have been identified in the nutritional profile of cordyceps include:

•    Cordicepina
• Cordycepic acid
• N-acetylgalactosamine
• Adenosine
• Ergosterol and ergosteryl esters
•    Bioxantraceni
• Ipoxanthine
• Acid deoxyribonuclease
•    Superossido dismutasi
• Proteases
• Dipicolinic acid
• Lectin

Risks and side effects

I cordyceps are considered safe for most people, but there are some potential side effects and interactions cordyceps to be aware of, especially if you are sensitive to the active ingredients or are taking specific medications. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not take it cordyceps before consulting your doctor. People suffering from autoimmune diseases, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis, cannot take the aforementioned mushroom because the cordyceps it may even worsen their condition. Because they stimulate the immune system, i cordyceps they can interfere with some common drugs, or over-activate (dangerously) specific immune cells.

The same warning applies to people suffering from a blood clotting disorder: for this very reason, taking the Cordyceps should be avoided before any surgery.


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