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“They surrounded me and suddenly a little boy…”

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Contrast the pickpockets in Milan since 2016, when he began his disruptive action as a simple citizen to thwart their attacks on public transport and, in particular, on the subway. So they had promised them for some time, until they took action. The target is him Matthias Pezzoni, 34 years old, president of the Safety Committee for Milan. The last attack, the most violent, took place on the subway at the Duomo stop when he was alone. On Saturday evening, around 21.30, three or four on the platform first surrounded him and then slapped him to prevent him from continuing to film, until a minor appeared and delivered the knockout blow to the eye. Here’s to Tgcom24 the story of what happened.

Here, then, is what happened to Pezzoni, who will file a complaint this week, asking the authorities to use the footage from the security cameras present in the subway, since he was unable to directly film the aggression of which he was the victim. In fact, the first thing in the viewfinder was his phone, the one he uses as a “tool” to prevent pickpockets from pickpocketing and with which he had already filmed the other day of being the victim of juice fruit. Images that immediately made the rounds of social media, such as those just published with the black eye.

“I know my safety is in danger for what I do – explains a
Tgcom24, – but it has never reached these levels of violence. It was a surprise for me too.”

Specifically: “Saturday evening, while I was alone at the Duomo metro station, I immediately noticed the presence of pickpockets. As usual, and they too know it well, I pick up the phone to register and notify the passengers of their presence”.

So the group scatters, some go to the red line, some leave. “Only one returns to the Comasina quay where I was and so I begin to disturb her again. The pickpocket moves away and I continue to film her. As I get closer, she hits me on the camera phone and tells me to stop making videos”.

The usual chase begins. But the pickpocket calls to help the other colleagues known to Pezzoni himself. “Three/four of them arrive and start attacking me with slaps and punches. However, the trauma to my eye was caused by a little boy in a red jacket whom I had never seen and who suddenly joined the beating”.

“When I begin to lose blood from my eye, they run away in the direction of Rho Fiera. I am in pain and stunned, but I don’t immediately realize the seriousness of my condition, so I would like to chase them but those present point out to me that I am injured and the station, I’ll call an ambulance and the police”.

The night in the hospital, the dressings. And now? “Today rest – concludes Pezzoni a
Tgcom24. – But I won’t stop: the pickpockets won’t win with their arrogance and aggressiveness”.

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