Home Ā» This food that we often disdain can protect the colon and small intestine

This food that we often disdain can protect the colon and small intestine

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We often ban from our diet foods that, in the right quantity, are good for the body. Except that since for some there is no need to exaggerate and we do not know how to control our tastes and our appetite, we prefer not to buy them. We are talking about butter that is often disdained and seen as a great enemy of health. There are certainly some contraindications but also some benefits that we cannot ignore.

This food that we often disdain can protect the colon and small intestine

Here we take into consideration two publications by Assolatte (Italian dairy association). The first oldest is from 2017, the second from 2020 and both specify how much butter we can ingest per day in healthy health conditions and what benefits we can derive from it.

And give

What the reference study by Assolatte highlights is that attention should rather be paid to sugars and carbohydrates. On the other hand, butter is even re-evaluated and the distinction between cholesterol produced by the body and cholesterol that derives from what we ingest is highlighted. In particular, what our body produces, according to Assolatte, must be limited because it affects total cholesterol. So, getting a very moderate amount of cholesterol through food would even be helpful in avoiding stimulating the liver to produce more cholesterol. And a serving of butter, according to our source, provides 24 mg of cholesterol or 8% of the daily intake that could be taken through food. In 2020, Assolatte always publishes a document entitled “Saturated fats should not be demonized”. A priori, we might add. Everything would depend on the quantities taken, the balance between nutrients and the food in which they are contained.

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Benefits of butter

This food that we often disdain can protect the colon and small intestine and contributes to the well-being of the intestine that we consider our “second brain”. In the right quantities, butter in addition to fats also contains vitamin D which is very important for bone health, especially after the age of forty but also for children and especially the elderly. Furthermore, butter contains vitamin A which promotes growth and plays a defense role against infections. Especially in the nutrition of children and young people, a good supply of butter should never be lacking, also because it contains little lactose and is highly digestible.

An advice

Although we rely on reliable sources, the scientific views on the subject may be conflicting. Therefore it is always good to consider the information we provide of a general nature and referable to a healthy person. People with cholesterol or other problems should still discuss with their doctor before introducing new foods into their diet.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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