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This “magic flour” will make you lose weight

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This “magic flour” will make you lose weight

Researchers at King’s College London have developed a new flour that reduces the risk of obesity and diabetes.

Researchers at King’s College London have developed a special flour that keeps you fuller longer, lowers blood glucose levels and helps prevent obesity.

The magic flour that will make you slimmer

This “magic flour” is actually made from legumes, including chickpeas, lentils, and beans. It contains all-natural ingredients that retain their integrity when made into flour – and it’s the very health benefits of these intact plant materials that make them so beneficial to your diet!

A healthier flour rich in fibre

At a time when the importance of fiber in our diets is underscored, this study highlights the role that intact cell walls play in slowing the digestion of starch and improving glucose levels and mimicking satiety hormones that help us to feel full,” says biochemist Peter Ellis, co-author of the study.

The researchers note that getting people to change their eating habits can be difficult, which is why advances like this are so promising and could help tackle potential problems like obesity and diabetes in the future.

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