Home » Those who drink coffee move more, sleep about half an hour less – Medicine

Those who drink coffee move more, sleep about half an hour less – Medicine

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Those who drink coffee move more, sleep about half an hour less – Medicine

Espresso lovers, who drink at least one coffee a day, move more but sleep a little less.
This is suggested by a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine and conducted at the University of San Francisco according to which people who habitually drink coffee take more steps on average per day (1000 more on average per day), but sleep slightly less than to those who did not drink coffee (half an hour less per night). Research also suggests that coffee consumption might increase the risk of heart palpitations.

“The vast majority of research on the topic has been observational, that is, looking at what happens to people who do and do not drink coffee,” said lead author of the study, Gregory Marcus, cardiologist and professor of medicine. at the University of California, San Francisco., but these observational data are not sufficient to establish that it is precisely coffee that causes certain conditions. For this reason, the experts conducted a real clinical study involving 100 adults with an average age of 39 years. They equipped the participants with Fitbits to track their steps and sleep, continuous blood glucose monitors, and EKG devices that tracked their heart rhythms.

Each participant had to drink as much coffee as they wanted for two days, then abstain for two days, repeating the cycle over a two-week period. The experimenters did not know when the volunteer was drinking coffee and when, on the other hand, he was abstaining from consumption. Well, it turned out that on coffee drinking days, participants took an average of 1,058 more steps than on abstaining days. But sleep took a hit on those days, with 36 minutes less sleep for the participants. The more coffee you drank, the more physical activity and less sleep you got.

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Coffee also appears to affect the heart: drinking more than one cup a day resulted in a 50% higher incidence of premature ventricular contractions, or PVCs, than on days when no coffee was consumed. These heartbeats can feel like a skipping heartbeat or palpitations which, over time, could increase the risk of heart failure. “So if you’re at risk for heart failure, such as if you have a family history of heart failure, you may want to steer clear of coffee.”

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