Home » Tick ​​bites, cases of Tbe and Lyme have increased in Trentino in ten years – Salute e Benessere

Tick ​​bites, cases of Tbe and Lyme have increased in Trentino in ten years – Salute e Benessere

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Tick ​​bites, cases of Tbe and Lyme have increased in Trentino in ten years – Salute e Benessere

TRENTO. In Trentino the cases of TBE disease (ick Borne Encephalitis, or meningoencephalitis) and Lyme over the past decade. This was stated by the provincial councilor for health Stephanie Segnana answering one question by Luca Zeni (Pd) and by reading a table from which a constantly growing trend emerges, with i cases that from 2013 go from 17 (TBE) and 31 (LYME) to 40 and 28 in 2023.

“The real number of cases of Lyme disease – added Segnana – however, it could be higher, given the often nuanced clinical presentation of the disease, while most of the notified cases of TBE reach the doctor’s observation in hospital due to the clinical commitment and the involvement of the nervous system. We know that most cases account for about 30% of TBE infections which are largely asymptomatic and cause febrile headache with no progression of symptoms.”

As regards the information initiatives and the promotion of the correct behaviors in order to avoid tick bites, the activities are largely established. «With respect to the information initiatives aimed at preventing mosquito bites – reports a note from the Provincial Council – the Department of Prevention ensures information to travelers who go to areas at risk. The risk, if not for imported cases, does not exist in our territory».

Councilor Segnana concluded by recalling some initiatives promoted, clarifying that the vaccination against TBE in the Province of Trento it is offered free of charge for resident adults and children and is one of the vaccinations explicitly recommended for those who carry out outdoor activities for professional or recreational reasons. According to Zeni, the trend appears clear and the number is important: this is therefore a weighty issue. On the second part. Zeni noted that a year later, the odg, which committed to developing an intervention plan to reduce the risks deriving from these pathogens, does not exist.

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