Home » Tingling arms and hands? They can be serious symptoms

Tingling arms and hands? They can be serious symptoms

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Tingling arms and hands?  They can be serious symptoms

Everyone experiences a tingling sensation down their arms and hands. But what is it due to? Let’s find out in detail the reasons for this annoyance and what are the best remedies.

When we feel a tingling coming from the limbs of our body, we immediately think that the blood is not circulating properly. In fact, in some cases, it may happen that we wake up after a long sleep, we find ourselves an arm or hand asleep.

Tingling in the hands and feet? Here are the remedies

In these cases, we have probably rested with a pinched or incorrectly placed limb, you just need to get the circulation back by moving the affected part. In other cases, however, this discomfort is felt even when awake, but what can it depend on?

Well the reasons are many, such as pressure on the spinal nerves or inflammation of the blood vessel. Are you curious to find out what all the possible causes are? Let’s see them together.

Arms and legs – that’s why they tingle us

As we said, one of the main causes of tingling is staying still in the same position for some time. But not only that, the reasons can be many, for example it could also be a herpes infection or unbalanced levels of potassium, calcium or sodium.

In fact, among the main causes we find the lack of vitamina B12, in this case, just ask your doctor how to integrate it. Generally they prescribe supplements, moreover the tingling could also be due to the intake of too much alcohol or the wrong medicines.

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Not to be underestimated are also insect bites, mites or animal bites, finally among the most dangerous we find diabetes, hypothyroidism, stroke or transient ischemic attack.

Tingling hands feet
Tingling: this is why it occurs in the limbs of the body

Fortunately, there are remedies that can alleviate this annoying sensation, one of the best is to immerse the affected part in cold water for about 10 minutes. In this way we will restart the blood circulation.

You could also opt to go for a walk, initially you will have to endure the spasms that occur in the leg for a few moments, but after a few minutes, this sensation should go away on its own.

Now that you have all the remedies at your disposal, you just have to put them into practice. What do you think?

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1 comment

biblioklept (@biblioklept) July 1, 2022 - 11:34 am

Was cured from herpes virus. thanks to R.buckler 11 [at] G mail com………………..… biblioklept (@biblioklept)


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