Home » Together against pain / information events at 141 locations nationwide +++ Service hotline on June 6th +++ Free patient flyers online

Together against pain / information events at 141 locations nationwide +++ Service hotline on June 6th +++ Free patient flyers online

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Together against pain / information events at 141 locations nationwide +++ Service hotline on June 6th +++ Free patient flyers online

Berlin – Many millions of people in Germany live with chronic pain. These include, above all, headaches and back pain, joint and nerve pain or complaints that have arisen after an operation. But what can those affected do? What medications are best, and what are the alternatives to medication? Holistic ways of pain therapy are often required, which understand the pain as a complex problem and treat it accordingly in a multi-professional manner. On June 6, 2023, the German Pain Society eV is organizing the 12th nationwide day of action against pain, on which 141 institutions throughout Germany will provide information about the topic of pain and what they offer patients. A free telephone patient hotline is also available. At the same time, an online press conference will take place at 11 a.m.

As part of the “Action Day Against Pain”, the German Pain Society eV calls on clinics, medical or psychological practices, pain therapy facilities, pharmacies and nursing services, homes and physiotherapy practices to bring the topic of “pain” more to the public. Nationwide there will be information events for those affected and their relatives on June 6th. “Unfortunately, patients often wander for years through the jungle of the health care system until they receive help and access to special pain therapy,” says Thomas Isenberg, Managing Director of the German Pain Society. Many people suffering from pain in Germany are still underserved – especially in the treatment of chronic pain . It is therefore important for the pain society to create an opportunity with the day of action where those affected and their relatives can easily talk to pain experts and receive valuable tips. An overview of all events can be found on the website of the Pain Society.

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Not only people with chronic pain are addressed at the day of action. In recent years, the pain society has been trying to establish more and more preventive therapy options. “It is important that patients who have an increased risk of developing chronic pain are identified at an early stage,” says Isenberg. The sooner those affected are cared for by a multidisciplinary team from medicine, psychology and physiotherapy, the better the prognosis for getting the pain under control again and not becoming chronic. And also in nursing there is a continuous further development of special pain-specific care concepts. The individual projects will be presented at the online press conference for this year’s day of action.

On the day of action against pain, a large number of renowned pain experts will again be available from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on the free telephone number Patientenhotline 0800 1818120 available for questions. They give callers practical tips on how to deal with pain and advise where those affected can get the right support and therapy.

Patient flyer:

Further information, materials and the venues for the “Day of Action Against Pain” at www.aktiontag-gegen-den-REAM.de

To the German Pain Society e. V

The German Pain Society e. V., with over 3500 personal members, is the largest scientific and medical specialist society in the field of pain in Europe. The German Pain Society e. V. is a member of the IASP (International Association for the Study of Pain) and the AWMF (Association of Scientific Medical Societies). It is also the interdisciplinary pain umbrella society of currently 19 other medical-scientific societies in the field of pain with strong members. This perspective is also expanded by the corresponding institutional membership of the association of active pain patients PainLOS e. V. in the German Pain Society e. V

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Membership of the German Pain Society e. V. is interdisciplinary and interprofessional and consists of pain experts from practice, clinic, psychologists, nursing, physiotherapy, etc. as well as scientifically proven pain researchers from research, university and teaching.

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Online press conference of the German Pain Society e. V. on the occasion of the nationwide “Day of Action Against Pain” on June 6, 2023

Holistic ways in pain therapy: medicine, psychology, physiotherapy and nursing work hand in hand

Deadline: Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m

Preliminary program:

12 years of action day against pain: Facilities throughout Germany provide insights into pain treatment

professor dr medical Hans-Georg Schaible, President of the German Pain Society e. V. and Professor of Physiology at the FSU Jena

How do I deal with my daily pain? Those affected complain that there are not enough comprehensive offers and a frequent lack of understanding for pain disorders

Heike Norda, Chairwoman of the Patients’ Association UVSD Pain Loss. V. in Neumünster

PAIN2.0: new 10-week program for people with recurring pain – extra-occupational therapy that fits into everyday life

dr re. of course Anne Gärtner, scientific project manager in the PAIN2.0 project and qualified psychologist/psychological psychotherapist at the TU Dresden

Special pain care: individual and patient-oriented – pain society presents new certified training for nursing staff

professor dr re. cur. Thomas Fischer, MPH, deputy spokesman of the ad hoc commission Curriculum Nursing Pain and Professor of Nursing Science at the Evangelische Hochschule Dresden

Moderation: Thomas Isenberg, Managing Director German Pain Society e. V

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