Home » Tumor, these are 3 prevention tests that save your life: they identify it even before the event

Tumor, these are 3 prevention tests that save your life: they identify it even before the event

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Prevention is the best tool to fight cancer and it is important to remember this. Some specific exams can prove to be truly providential.

Medicine has made great strides in recent years and has managed to make diseases curable that weren’t previously. Despite this, the word “tumor” continues to be frightening the moment the diagnosis is received, regardless of which part of the body is affected.

Emotional upheaval is inevitable when you receive the diagnosis, which can only be registered by even people who are apparently courageous. Sometimes, therefore, psychological support may be necessary, which can help to better face the course of treatment that one has to face and not to get discouraged.

Getting in tune can therefore be important, so that the patient can satisfy any doubts and fearlessly ask the attending doctor what to expect. Sometimes, then, it is the oncologist himself who suggests listening to another opinion.

How to prevent cancer: the 3 tests that must never be missed

Even now many consider cancer as a sentence without appeal, but fortunately this is no longer the case. There are many people who manage to heal and return to a normal life, while continuing to undergo periodic checks.

What are the tests to do to prevent cancer (tantasalute.it)

If you want to increase your chances of making it through, the best tool in this area is prevention, something everyone should keep in mind. Therefore, undergoing the screening recommended by the Region of residence remains the best tool to defend yourself. Currently these are the PAP test or HPV test for cervical cancer in women. Added to these are the fecal occult blood test for the diagnosis of colorectal cancer in the entire population over 50 and breast cancer screening, although in the latter case not everyone acts the same way. .

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As regards breast cancer, which still remains the most common among women, the Regions can act with discretion. Generally, however, a mammogram is scheduled every two years between 50 and 69 years of agealthough in some areas it is extended up to the age of 74, while others anticipate it with annual mammograms between the ages of 45 and 49.

Those who have had sick people in the family may face a greater probability of getting sick. In these cases it would be good to be able to undergo a breast ultrasound at a young age (around age 30). From the age of 40 you can then move on to mammography.

It is often the doctor who indicates how to proceed, as happens for example with those with dense breasts. This situation can make it difficult to have an accurate picture of the situation with mammography alone, so it is advisable to combine both exams.

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