Home » Tumors: the study that reveals a chilling truth about the evil of the third millennium

Tumors: the study that reveals a chilling truth about the evil of the third millennium

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Tumors: the study that reveals a chilling truth about the evil of the third millennium

An important research work has brought to light some aspects regarding tumors that do not bode well for the future. Professor Charles Swanton’s explanation

In recent days there has been a lot of talk about the announcement of the availability by 2023 of the highly effective mRNA vaccines against cancer, cardiovascular diseases and other major diseases. The news was accompanied by probably premature enthusiasm, above all by virtue of a vast and in-depth study on oncological diseases dubbed TRACERx.

The lead author of this work is Professor Charles Swanton which he has in an interview with BBC took stock of the situation. Let’s find out what she said about cancer and the fight to try to fight it effectively.

Tumors: what are the latest news and what needs to be done to fight these evils

In his view, the situation is not so rosy despite the mRNA vaccines. According to what he brought to light TRACERxil cancer it has an almost infinite ability to evolve. As a result of this, finding a universal cure at present appears rather utopian, even more so in the short term.

So by virtue of this the main weapon to get the better of these evils is the prevention. In fact, the scientists who conducted the study monitored theevolution of cancer to the lungs in many patients. They were shocked to discover that the disease can evolve exponentially and evade the immune system by spreading throughout the body through metastases.

For this the professor Swanton at the BBC did not show great optimism in view of the future: “I don’t want to sound depressing, but I think that given the almost infinite possibilities in which a cancer can evolve and the large enough number of cells in an advanced stage cancer which could be as high as several hundred billion, that getting a cure on all patients presenting with massive levels of disease is an extraordinary task. To get the most out of it we need to focus on prevention, early diagnosis and timely diagnosis of recurring cases”.


In short, a rather daunting picture given that these mali they are increasingly on the increase and are taking away people even of a young age. In any case, all that remains is to have faith in the research work and follow what i say to the letter medici. Prioritizing prevention becomes more important than ever to avoid situations of this type.

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