Home » Ukraine, Pentagon documents confirm the presence of Western special forces in the field – breaking latest news

Ukraine, Pentagon documents confirm the presence of Western special forces in the field – breaking latest news

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Ukraine, Pentagon documents confirm the presence of Western special forces in the field – breaking latest news

Western Special Forces there are always. Even when they’re not there or they don’t see them. They played a role in Vietnam first as advisors, then in the field. And then in Afghanistanwith a mounted and helicopter vanguard preparing the ground, then in Iraq. Yesterday they went into jungle or desert, today into mudflats.

In one of the documents – no longer secret – of the Pentagon, numbers appeared on members of the so-called Sof in Ukraine. According to the file, dating back to March 23, there are 50 Britons, 17 Latvians, 15 French, 14 Americans, one Dutch. The US United States Special Operations Command and allied commanders have a large “pool” in which to fish, many options: the English SAS and the SBS maritime “cousins”, Green Berets, Delta Force, CIA paramilitaries, men from the DGSE “action service” in Paris. Their action has often been cited by the media, in the reconstructions of the assistance to the army of Kiev, in particular for the operations behind the lines. The program, which began in 2014, involved secure communications, training in the use of explosives, the creation of “resistance companies” intended to move into occupied areas, information warfare. After the invasion, the plan split in two. The Pentagon has moved 10th Special Forces Group trainers from Ukraine to Germany, where the support continued remotely while the “shadows” remained in and around Kiev. To face the assault and make life difficult for the enemy.

In April 2022 Ukrainian officials unveiled al Times the anti-tank systems training conducted by the British, a few months later Le Figaro he told about 50 French soldiers engaged in the analysis of satellite information, protection of incoming war aid, target designation. Also at that time, an article by the New York Times on the “work” of a nucleus of the CIA (or special forces) based in the Ukrainian capital, to manage the flow of armaments and watch over President Zelensky lest he be eliminated. Even in those days Canadians, Lithuanians, Poles, Czechs and Canadians were mentioned, all mobilized in increasing the levee in front of Putin’s Battalions. How much they did on the front lines remains to be discovered.

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The NATO commandos, with instructor tags, they passed on their experience and tricks to their Ukrainian colleagues, the use of new urgently transferred equipment. Ukraine has received real-time data from Western intelligence with a secure and fast system. A channel designed to work in difficult conditions, under stress. An even more decisive contribution because, based on the confidential papers, the US has cultivated excellent sources in the ranks of the Russian Armywhistleblowers with access to high-level material about future attacks.

The second front of intervention could concern support in raids, sabotage, support activity for complex missions. Role that presents personal and diplomatic risks as it implies direct involvement denied by the capitals of the Alliance. Joe Biden ha sempre escluso i «boots on the ground»a prohibition that however Washington or London can circumvent by using as cover the “volunteers” whose participation in the fighting is well documented. Some of the approximately 3,000 fighters who have arrived from abroad could be soldiers from elite units. Having left the official ranks, they returned with the uniform of the Ukrainian Foreign Legion. Another camouflage adopted is that linked to the security needs of Western embassies. “Specialists” were sent to increase it, but instead devoted themselves to less institutional and more enveloping tasks.

Moscow reacted to the revelations with little surprise: we knew of their presence without the need for leaks. Which for the Russians can also be NATO disinformation. Kiev has deniedposition similar to that expressed on other leaked dossiers.

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