Home » Understanding the Causes and Treatments for Chronic Venous Disease in the Lower Limbs

Understanding the Causes and Treatments for Chronic Venous Disease in the Lower Limbs

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Understanding the Causes and Treatments for Chronic Venous Disease in the Lower Limbs

Title: Summer Increases Symptoms of Chronic Venous Disease in Women, Warns Angiologist

Cavallino (Lecce) – As summer arrives, individuals may experience symptoms such as swelling, heaviness, itching, and nocturnal leg cramps. These symptoms are often attributed to chronic venous disease of the lower limbs. Dr. Claudio Negro, an angiologist at the Calabrian center of Cavallino (Lecce), shed light on this prevalent condition that affects a significant portion of the female population.

Chronic venous disease is characterized by inadequate blood return from the periphery to the heart and affects approximately 30% of women in Italy. After the age of 50, it could potentially impact 1 out of 2 women. Dr. Negro emphasized that risk factors for the disease include obesity, hypertension, prolonged periods of standing, pregnancy, genetic predisposition, smoking, estrogen hormone therapy, and previous venous thrombosis.

Symptoms of chronic venous disease manifest as leg swelling, itching, pain, burning sensations, a sense of heaviness, skin alterations, and night cramps. In severe cases, complications such as ulcerations, thrombosis, and bleeding may occur.

Dr. Negro explained, “During the warm season, these symptoms become more pronounced due to additional strain on already weakened venous circulation caused by venous insufficiency.” He further clarified that the diagnosis is made through an angiological examination, which includes a non-invasive color Doppler ultrasound of the lower limbs.

Treatment for chronic venous disease typically involves pharmacological therapy and the use of elastic stockings. In more severe cases, surgical interventions may be required. Dr. Negro highlighted the advancements in surgical methods, such as laser ablation, which offers a better post-operative experience for patients.

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He emphasized the significance of prevention to avoid complications and manage the chronic nature of the disease. Chronic venous disease is comparable to conditions like diabetes or arterial hypertension, lacking a complete cure. Regular check-ups and lifestyle modifications are crucial for managing and reducing the impact of the disease.

As the heat intensifies, it is crucial for individuals experiencing these symptoms to consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and suitable treatment options. With advancements in medical technology and ongoing research, patients can benefit from early intervention and improved quality of life.

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