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Vaccine against fungal infections works 100%

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And vaccine against fungal infections capable of preventing severe symptoms has been developed by researchers at the University of Georgia, in the United States. We are only at the first step. Fungal infections are of enormous concern to all international health systems. People at greatest risk are those with compromised immune defenses, but even those who are healthy struggle to eradicate them. The results were published in the scientific journal PNAS Nexus.

Mycoses are very common

Around 1.5 million deaths are caused by fungal infections worldwide, more than victims of breast cancer or HIV. More than 100 million people fall ill every year mucous membrane infectionswhile 1 billion individuals report skin infections. For this the World Health Organization warns that fungal infections are becoming one “major threat” to public health.

Vaccine against fungal infections: 100% effective, but it will still take time

The vaccine, called NXT-2works by providing the body with antibodies that can fight infections caused by three species of fungi: Aspergillus, Candida e Pneumocystis. The results of the first experiment gave important results: the injection is 100% effective in preventing serious infections.

Fungal infections happen when a person breathes in or comes in contact with the spores. Usually, healthy people are able to fight off fungal infections. But those who have underlying conditions such as HIV, cancer or diabetes or have weakened immune systems are at a higher risk of serious illness, which can lead to death.

Vaccine against fungal infections: few side effects

Scientists hope that their discovery will enable them to combat these important situations. Researchers have tested four different vaccines. The one that worked well is the NTX-2. The injection showed no significant negative side effects.

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Cases of fungal infection have increased 20 times since 2000. Among the causes there is certainly the climate change. The increase in temperatures and the humid climate represent the ideal habitat for the spread of fungi.

Symptoms of fungal infections often include respiratory difficulties, fatigue, heachache, night sweats e muscle achesamong others.

What are the most common mycoses?

Common fungal infections that people face include:

  • il athlete’s foota scaly rash that may itch or burn,
  • thrush, where white lesions develop on the tongue or inner cheek
  • candida vaginale and anal,
  • even the dandruffwhich can be triggered by fungal infections among other causes.

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