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Ventilator, how it can affect your health: everything you need to know

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Ventilator, how it can affect your health: everything you need to know

The fan is a very useful tool in hot weather, but it can also affect our health: here’s what we need to pay attention to.

Summer has now begun for about a week and in many parts of Italy we are already feeling the torrid heat that puts us in great difficulty. To remedy the too muggy days at home we very often use the fan, a real salvation for not suffering from the heavy summer heat. This tool, however, is not always a great help because in certain cases it can also affect our health.

Fans are the most common solution to feeling a little relief when it’s too hot, also because they are cheaper and easier to put in the house than a wall-mounted air conditioner. These appliances keep us cool especially at night, but many people have the bad habit of keep them pointed at you: according to experts this is a mistake that should never be made. Here are the concrete risks of the fan and how it should be used.

How does the fan work? That’s why it’s not always useful

Mechanical fans have a very specific operation which not everyone knows and, obviously, are totally different from an air conditioner or an air conditioner. In fact, this small instrument does not produce cold air, but with the rapid movement of the blades (which can be made of plastic or metal) they do circulate the air quickly giving us that feeling of freshness.

However, this only works if the temperatures are not too high: the Ministry of Health has specified that when they are in a closed environment more than 32 degrees mechanical fans should not be used. This is because the air cannot circulate enough and the fan will not give us that same feeling of freshness as usual. It didn’t end there, since there is a serious impact on our health as well.

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Fan, be careful especially at night (TantaSalute.it)

What we have explained above can have a rather serious impact on our health, especially when we aim it at us while we are sleeping.
Mechanical fans can often cause severe dehydration and at night it’s very dangerous since we can’t get up every two seconds to go drink.

Plus the air moved by fans when they’re aimed straight at our bodies can create us too mobility problems when we wake up the next day.
Last but not least, it is also a risk for i allergic subjects since the fan not only moves the air, but also dust, acari e other substances which can cause allergies while we sleep.

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