Home » We fill up on vitamin C with this simple autumn side dish that boosts the immune system

We fill up on vitamin C with this simple autumn side dish that boosts the immune system

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Very often we manage to introduce some indispensable substances into our body also through food.

The products of the earth, vegetables, fruit and vegetables, are excellent natural supplements.

In fact, they introduce all those substances that our body cannot produce independently or produces in small doses.

An example of these substances are vitamins, which are essential for our survival.

So, fill up on vitamin C with this simple autumn side dish that boosts the immune system.

What is Vitamin C

First of all, vitamin C, more scientifically called ascorbic acid, belongs to a particular group of vitamins: the water-soluble ones.

This means that vitamin C cannot be stored in our body but must be taken through food.

So it is with foods that we introduce it into our body and we absorb it already inside the mouth, then in the stomach and intestines.

But you have to be careful because in addition to being water-soluble, it also fears high temperatures.

So it gets lost when we cook our food in boiling water.

What is Vitamin C for?

This vitamin is useful for a lot of things.

First of all, it participates in the synthesis of some important substances such as collagen which goes to support the bones, tendons, muscles and ligaments.

Then, it has important antioxidant powers and helps neutralize free radicals.

In addition, it can inhibit some carcinogens by helping the body prevent the risk of cancer, especially stomach cancer.

The most sought after feature in the fall

But vitamin C also performs another very important function, the most sought after when autumn begins.

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In fact, the contribution of this vitamin helps to strengthen, strengthen and fortify our immune defenses. These help protect us from attack by viruses, bacteria and fungi.

And when our immune systems are strong, we can reduce the risk of getting cold or catching the flu.

Precisely the two problems that begin to be widespread in the autumn and that worry many people.

We fill up on vitamin C with this simple autumn side dish that boosts the immune system

We can stock up on vitamin C thanks to food. For example, broccoli is an important source of this.

But if we are not lovers of this slightly smelly vegetable, to recharge the body with vitamin C and strengthen our immune defenses, we could cook a simple side dish.

This is typically autumnal because it is based on yellow, red and green peppers, which we now find in abundance in the supermarket or fruit and vegetables. And which are among the vegetables that contain their own vitamin C.

The recipe is very simple and is ideal to accompany both fish and meat.

We must, first of all, clean our peppers, removing the seeds and the inner white part.

Then we have to cut them into thin strips and cook them for just 10 minutes in a hot non-stick pan sprinkled with salt.

Finally, we can season to taste with extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar and a few mint leaves.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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