Home » Rivarolo. The Council’s “no” against the photovoltaic park

Rivarolo. The Council’s “no” against the photovoltaic park

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Rivarolo, exhausting debate Wednesday evening, a motion unanimously voted The opposition puts its foot down, the majority integrates and accepts the requests

Rivarolo Canavese. One hundred and twenty thousand square meters, an area capable of containing 13 football fields, in the open countryside, fertile, irrigated area, near an ancient farmhouse, the Marshal, dating back to the 18th century and which still today fulfills its original task of agricultural residence with attached warehouses, in the territory of the Municipality of Rivarolo, but on the border with other municipalities, where a photovoltaic park should be born. It should. Because from Wednesday evening, the Anglo-Israeli company which, also, the authorizations to build by the Metropolitan City of Turin, is on the verge of obtaining them, will have one more obstacle and this is the same Municipality of Rivarolo, which through the city ​​council unanimously approved a motion, where it expresses more than one perplexity about the work, anticipating that it could also move legally to prevent it from being built.

The Sentinel of Friday, October 1st in a minute

But it was not, what they say, a walk around the assembly, with moments of high tension between the groups, the mayor Alberto Rostago who at a certain point lost his temper with the councilor of Riparolium, Aldo Raimondo, more interruptions of the Council itself to allow the members of the parliament to modify the initial document, add, remove, mend and bring to approval without the risk of unwelcome surprises. There has been convergence, some steps back and some steps forward have been made, and if it is true, in the end, that what matters is the result, the result has been obtained.

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At the beginning of the discussion, Raimondo himself read the motion presented by his own group and supported by the other two minorities, that of Rivarolo sustainable and the Lega. «The metropolitan city is at the end of its mandate, the agricultural territory of Rivarolo is at risk, also because it would constitute a dangerous precedent – observed the exponent of Riparolium -. Ten years ago there had already been an attempt, then blocked, and on that occasion the project was even bigger, from the point of view of volume ». The problem is the lack of a reference law and it becomes difficult to oppose those who have carried out a negotiation knowing that they can do it.

Rostagno, already on Wednesday, sent a letter to eight different subjects, including the president of the Region, Alberto Cirio, the councilors Marco Protopapa and Matteo Marnati, technical managers of Palazzo Lascaris, the delegated councilor for the Environment of the Metropolitan city Barbara Azzarà, the regional president of Coldiretti, Fabrizio Galliati. “Precisely because they are facilitated and encouraged by state and regional regulations due to their characteristic of plants that exploit everyone’s renewable sources (sun, water, wind) they should be shared by everyone or qualified representatives and not suffered, effectively emptying the decision-making power of the mayors “reads a passage in the document. The interventions of Marina Vittone and Roberto Bonome, with that of Raimondo, opened an endless discussion table. Palazzo Lomellini could not, not it may be too “soft”. It won’t be.

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